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Jan 16, 2005

Just A JOKE… :D

While touring a Red Indian reservation filming a
documentary, Barbara Walters was puzzled about the
difference in the number of feathers in
the head-dresses. So, she asked a brave who only had one
feather in his head-dress and
his reply was: "Only have one woman. One woman, one
feather." Feeling the first fellow was only joking she
asked another brave. This brave had two feathers in his
head-dress. And he replied: "Me have two women. Two women,
two feathers." Still not convinced the feathers indicated
number of sexual partners involved, she decided to
interview the
Chief. Now the Chief had a head-dress full of feathers
which, needless to say amused Ms. Walters who asked the
Chief, "Why do you have so many feathers in your
head-dress?" The Chief proudly pounded his chest and said:
"Me Chief, me screw 'em all. Big, small, fat and tall, me
screw 'em all."
Horrified, Ms. Walters stated, "You ought to be hung."
The Chief said: "You damn right, me hung, big like
buffalo, long like snake."
Ms. Walters cried, "You don't have to be so hostile."
The Chief replied: "Hoss-style, dog-style, wolf-style, any
style . ... me screw 'em all."
With tears in her eyes, Ms. Walters cried, "Oh dear."
The Chief said: "No deer. Ass too high, run too fast."

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