welcome to my home

I want all of you to feel just like home whenever you enter my page, so enjoy your 'feels like home' in here and free to drop comments

Jan 3, 2005


In reality, being famous is important. Being no.1 in
everything is dream of each and everyone. Being loved is
desire. Being noticed is way of living. But, letÂ’s see
deep that the world is not always about important things,
dreams and desires also ways of living. Why not just think
that itÂ’s hard already to be YOU! Even when you cant fly
above sky, you can still smile. Even when you cant lie,
you can still be the best of who you are. LetÂ’s heal the
world of our own, who will do it if itÂ’s not US! Meaning
ME, YOU, HIM, HER, and everybody!? You cant fight the
tears coming, wipe it and youÂ’re alive.. if you think that
the world wont understand seeing you, well.. I just want
you to know that everything meant to be THE BEST of who
that is! Can you heal your world, then?

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