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“The importance of Global Efforts to address Global Warming: Indonesian Perspective”

Oct 18, 2009

The 2009 is a crucial year in the international effort to address climate change. A series of UNFCCC meetings are taking place throughout the year, designed to culminate in an ambitious and effective international response to climate change, to be agreed at the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 15) in Copenhagen, 7-18 December.

Global warming is the hot topic right now, with dire predictions from the scientific community. The previous UNFCCC in Nusa Dua attracted high level diplomats and scientists from all over the world, with the hope of creating a road-map to a solution. Indonesia itself has a vested interest in the success of the conference, not only for tourism purposes but because it also suffers from the effects of global warming. But the frame only isn’t enough, negotiations often "come down to the wire" as no one is willing to move until they feel like they have moved the other side as much as possible — the final showdown.

Being a developing country which most of its population relies on natural resources, Indonesia is highly vulnerable. Development programs in various sectors has forced the Indonesian government to incorporate climate change issues in its planning to be better prepared with changes caused by global warming.

The Indonesian government is therefore aware in trying to cope with global warming effect by involving more people from local to those across the globe to mainstreaming climate change into international and national policies. It includes collaborations in climate change mitigation and adaptation activities as well as participation in international climate change negotiations.

We believe that the core-problem for climate change is for all. And it’s about time to call home for survival. Why should we build walls to keep us from others when the sun above us is burning every inch of the ground on earth where we stand together… We believe that each and every one of us has affect on earth and it’s never too late to be civilized; don't forget we create our lives, not consume them all at the same time. The earth is in all of our processing and it needs to be a counter part and dealt with in great respect or we lose both.

Many millions of people have been lifted out of poverty over the past decades due to rapid economic growth. At the same time, the levels of economic development differ widely.

Yet climate change impacts have started threatening hard-won development progress, and will increasingly do so as climate change takes an ever greater hold. Climate change impacts will be overwhelmingly severe for Asia. They will exacerbate existing vulnerabilities and they have the potential to throw countries back into the poverty trap. And we’re thrown into the fire together.

We are living in exceptional times. Scientists tell us that we have 10 years to change the way we live, avert the depletion of natural resources and the catastrophic evolution of the earth's climate. The stakes are high for us and our children. Everyone should take part in the effort. Setting targets is always easy, achieving them is not.

“Right to Development: A Human Right?”

Nowadays, development has become core-issues, especially in Indonesia where it has the general connotation of a structural improvement of people’s well being.

The Declaration on the Right to Development proposes two distinct options: first, by stipulating a participatory process that is stimulated by the state, and second, by asserting actions from below, emphasizing a participatory activity that is, first and foremost, at the initiative of the right-holders themselves, albeit that the state ought to create an enabling environment for development from below.

And yet development can’t be separated from human rights; whereas the aim of human rights is empowerment of people through human development. Human rights are inter-dependent and inter-related and have a direct relationship with human development. Universality of human rights demand eradication of global inequities and to achieve this end the importance of “Right to Development” cannot, but, be emphasized.

The government of Indonesia is fully aware that in the past Indonesia has been victim to development as hazard. We have constantly been trying to enhance our plot through the recent year; one of its ways is by together fulfilling the goal of MDGs. We believe that feasibilities towards development are to preserve the accountability of its citizens and the wealth of nations, as well as to be connected to global enhancement, and to keep it sustain.

Statistics provided by The Human Development Reports demonstrate that there exist massive inequalities, more particularly in the developing countries, which render the enjoyment of human rights rather illusory. Political freedom would not have much significance or meaning for millions of poverty stricken people in various countries who suffer the social evils flowing from poverty, unless economic, social and cultural rights are assured to them.

It is important to appreciate that development, which has to be equitable, can not brook any discrimination in the sharing of the benefits and in the activities producing the benefits between different people irrespective of gender or caste, religion or geographical boundaries. The wide global disparities in different parts of the world are shown to be linked with varying level of human development. Global disparities must be minimized to ensure that the minimum needs of everyone throughout the world are met. Strategies must be developed to achieve this result. It is only when the potential of all human beings is fully realized that we can talk of true human development.

We have to admit that Indonesia is still far from succeeding the programme but surely we’re stepping further for 2010 MDGs meeting to open the page of reviews. Indonesia is ready to be on track for development and giving the rights to its citizens as basic acknowledgement. We hope that our vocal can be an example for other developing nations in focusing to their indigenous needs. We hope to see betterment and feasible result to development plot all over the world.

Tiket Gratis Pesta Blogger untuk Komunitas Blogger / Online

Oct 13, 2009

Seperti penyelenggaraan Pesta Blogger tahun sebelumnya, panitia kali ini tetap menyediakan tiket gratis Pesta Blogger 2009 bagi komunitas-komunitas blogger dan komunitas online agar bisa hadir dan berpartisipasi dalam pesta besar ini.

Kami menyediakan maksimal lima tiket gratis untuk setiap komunitas. Tentu saja ada syaratnya, yaitu:

1. Ketua, atau pengurus, atau dedengkot, perwakilan, atau apapun istilah di komunitas masing-masing, mengirimkan email ke yatimaulana@gmail.com. Dalam email harus menyebutkan nama komunitas, alamat atau daerah asal komunitas, nomor kontak dan email, serta alamat blog komunitas (kalau ada).

2.Email tersebut kami terima paling lambat 18 Oktober 2009, pukul 23.59 WIB

3. Dalam email tersebut, wajib disertakan pula maksimal lima nama yang akan diutus mengikuti Pesta Blogger 2009 di Jakarta. Jika berasal dari komunitas blogger, sebaiknya dilengkapi dengan alamat blog dan email masing-masing utusan.

4. Lima nama yang tertera dalam email harus dipastikan benar-benar akan mengikuti Pesta Blogger 2009 nanti. Sebab peserta pesta dari kalangan komunitas akan melewati pintu registrasi khusus yang telah dilengkapi nama dan komunitas masing-masing.

5. Tiket khusus untuk komunitas ini tidak dapat diperjualbelikan.

Komunitas online yang dimaksud tidak hanya terdiri dari komunitas blogger berbagai daerah tapi juga komunitas lain yang beraktivitas online.

Nama-nama yang terdaftar dan berhak atas tiket gratis tersebut akan kami umumkan setelah batas waktu tanggal 18 Oktober nanti.

Sampai jumpa di Pesta Blogger 2009

if i could turn back time

Oct 3, 2009

if only i could turn back time..
i'd wanna pray to God for not being indifferent - afraid of the fact that i might not stand the stake
i'd wanna walk that road again, finding what i've been missing
i'd take that words i regret saying to you, him, her... everyone.. it's not my intention to hurt
i'd wanna sit longer to watch the sun rises and say grace

if only i could turn back time
i'd listen more and more.. perhaps i'm too drawn ignorant
i'd take different turn this time, wonder how it would come out
i'd wanna choose you instead of him, and out of anybody..
and, i'd wanna b able to watch the beauty of sunset

if only i could turn back time..
i'd wanna see those people once again and say sorry
i'd mend the scars and get the outmost feeling
i'd simply touch you gently, instead of hiding in the shadow

if only i could turn back time.. i'd go and look for you
to make sure you're ok... m ok.. we're all ok

25 things about me

Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you and/or because I've mentioned you directly or indirectly in this list.

1. Ambitious

2. Perfectionist

3. Book-worm

4. smart (bukan g yg bilang, tp diamini byk makhluk, hihi)

5. Cuek abis

6. Dont trust people easily

7. Pitch Curious (kesannya jadi pendiem)

8. LOVE surprises

9. Bosenan

10. Tomboy


12. suka debat

13. suka makan

14. penggemar es krim n cokelat

15. wearing head-scraf as her identity

16. open-minded

17. to the point (bukan cuma pas atasi maag, hihi..)

18. bisa bela diri (cciiaattt!!)

19. JUTEK (byk yg blg seehh..)

20. padahal baik hati ;p

21. itchy-feet (ga bs diem, tukang jalan); travel-lust

22. suka NULIS.. NULIS..

22. suka PUISI (diakui jago bt puisi pula, huhu..)

23. mungil (kata org2..)

24. punya nickname 'princess'

25. j'aime: RALF, Ji and ASH


pengen skul overseas

diramal dapet cwo di luar dugaan -- dari seberang, hhmm..

cita2nya jd presiden

(ko ga bs berenti nulis yaa...hehehe..)

worried.. sick..

when it hurts so much, u can't breath.. that's how u survive... "it isn't just death we hv to grief, it's life, it's loss, it's change, and when we wonder why it has to suck so much some time, has to hurt so bad, the thing we gotta try to remember that it can turn on a dime.." -- Grey's 6

Just watched Grey's 6 and once again I feel like I'm being cornered, no.. it's not about something with McDreamy, though he's still so very tempting ;p It's about the tagline that says 'the season that changes everything'... I remember trying to do that with life, my life, for the past years...

Did u remember when you were born, getting toddler, and now older but mom still uses the phrase "you know, when you're a child..." you can see the blitz of stars in her eyes when she talks, for once it belongs to her only. Then time flies, you begin to see the flashes in someone else's eyes... and then there were two, three, four, till you've come to a point where you either forget or are too tired to continue counting... Things become less attractive yet people are turning seamless.

I have forgotten how it feels to have one's arms wrapping around body and be able to hear his heart beat - the same beat that gives life.. I have set aside the butterfly effect which strikes when seeing his name flashes even only from my cell blink or simply recognize his special-tone.. I thought by running away then I'd be safe, but I was mistaken!

I try to survive from seeing thru distance, I thought that's more than enough.. afraid that closer means dying in pain, giving it away while keeping me for myself, like hugging cancer and slowly dying..

Life continues to roll, careless, like a dice on a gamble-table... you either guess it right or lose the bet... I think, despite what people see, one will soon realize that life keeps on beating one's back either one is winner or perfect loser - can you believe that? Despite the winning bet, our earning will be put back to loss.. and it sucks big time :(

One gradually is missing his/her sight, losing his/her faith, going under and never come back to the surface... I have and I hardly see myself anymore. What have I turned myself into, dear God.. please save me..

These several nights, I came back to the surface.. there is a new hand there, with a life-flashing eyes chasing for his fantasy world, when only his near could bring comfort and his wrapping hands around me takes in the butterfly effect..

Am I the life-flashing eyes for him? I'm afraid I'm only dreaming and that he's simply passer-by..

I took a step back and observe..bent my knees tonite and pray to God, beg Him to lead me to light, the right life-flashing eyes..

Nite is still young, they say... I was listening to the fave tone again and again hoping to see his name on my cellphone screen, a simple blink would be just fine. I took my legs wrapped my arms around, inhaling the air wishing for his scent, putting on calming thoughts that he's just too busy with his work while I should've done my part as well :D

Maybe God's life has so much to tell tonite that it forgets to knock on my door.. while I'm so worried sick for him *sigh