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25 things about me

Oct 3, 2009

Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you and/or because I've mentioned you directly or indirectly in this list.

1. Ambitious

2. Perfectionist

3. Book-worm

4. smart (bukan g yg bilang, tp diamini byk makhluk, hihi)

5. Cuek abis

6. Dont trust people easily

7. Pitch Curious (kesannya jadi pendiem)

8. LOVE surprises

9. Bosenan

10. Tomboy


12. suka debat

13. suka makan

14. penggemar es krim n cokelat

15. wearing head-scraf as her identity

16. open-minded

17. to the point (bukan cuma pas atasi maag, hihi..)

18. bisa bela diri (cciiaattt!!)

19. JUTEK (byk yg blg seehh..)

20. padahal baik hati ;p

21. itchy-feet (ga bs diem, tukang jalan); travel-lust

22. suka NULIS.. NULIS..

22. suka PUISI (diakui jago bt puisi pula, huhu..)

23. mungil (kata org2..)

24. punya nickname 'princess'

25. j'aime: RALF, Ji and ASH


pengen skul overseas

diramal dapet cwo di luar dugaan -- dari seberang, hhmm..

cita2nya jd presiden

(ko ga bs berenti nulis yaa...hehehe..)


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