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“Right to Development: A Human Right?”

Oct 18, 2009

Nowadays, development has become core-issues, especially in Indonesia where it has the general connotation of a structural improvement of people’s well being.

The Declaration on the Right to Development proposes two distinct options: first, by stipulating a participatory process that is stimulated by the state, and second, by asserting actions from below, emphasizing a participatory activity that is, first and foremost, at the initiative of the right-holders themselves, albeit that the state ought to create an enabling environment for development from below.

And yet development can’t be separated from human rights; whereas the aim of human rights is empowerment of people through human development. Human rights are inter-dependent and inter-related and have a direct relationship with human development. Universality of human rights demand eradication of global inequities and to achieve this end the importance of “Right to Development” cannot, but, be emphasized.

The government of Indonesia is fully aware that in the past Indonesia has been victim to development as hazard. We have constantly been trying to enhance our plot through the recent year; one of its ways is by together fulfilling the goal of MDGs. We believe that feasibilities towards development are to preserve the accountability of its citizens and the wealth of nations, as well as to be connected to global enhancement, and to keep it sustain.

Statistics provided by The Human Development Reports demonstrate that there exist massive inequalities, more particularly in the developing countries, which render the enjoyment of human rights rather illusory. Political freedom would not have much significance or meaning for millions of poverty stricken people in various countries who suffer the social evils flowing from poverty, unless economic, social and cultural rights are assured to them.

It is important to appreciate that development, which has to be equitable, can not brook any discrimination in the sharing of the benefits and in the activities producing the benefits between different people irrespective of gender or caste, religion or geographical boundaries. The wide global disparities in different parts of the world are shown to be linked with varying level of human development. Global disparities must be minimized to ensure that the minimum needs of everyone throughout the world are met. Strategies must be developed to achieve this result. It is only when the potential of all human beings is fully realized that we can talk of true human development.

We have to admit that Indonesia is still far from succeeding the programme but surely we’re stepping further for 2010 MDGs meeting to open the page of reviews. Indonesia is ready to be on track for development and giving the rights to its citizens as basic acknowledgement. We hope that our vocal can be an example for other developing nations in focusing to their indigenous needs. We hope to see betterment and feasible result to development plot all over the world.


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