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Jan 23, 2005

Jika ada id dvorak@yahoo.com mau add anda di Yahoo
MSN..Jgn diterima, Knp?? Karena itu adalah virus.
Beritahu semua orang yang ada dalam list YM Anda,
sebab jika mereka menambahkan maka anda juga akan
mendapat virus tsb. Beritahu semua orang dalam list YM
Anda untuk tidak membuka kiriman apapun dari angel11,
tewwtuler dan sassybitch. Nama2 itu merupakan virus
yang berfungsi untuk membunuh hard drive. Sampaikan
surat ini ke setiap orang dalam list YM Anda.
Klik kanan pada daftar group name dan klik Send
Message to All

Terima Kasih

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Jan 16, 2005

I couldn’t understand what just happened…
I got a fight with my ex-boyfriend (ok, I know that sounds
even weirder :p), the story went since I’ve been bothered
by some private no. calling me constantly and am
absolutely annoyed – well, it’s just me what is that
person afraid of?
Oh ya, he changed as soon as he moved to UI, lost contacts
for months, less sms and calls, never come by – he put his
parents’ pressure as reasons so that I couldn’t move at
all, finally he said it’s forbidden for his family that
older girl having relationship with him – that’s why we
broke up (he said he’d kept it since 6 months of our
relationship and he couldn’t stand it – another pressure -
anymore). It was 4 days before the hearings of my final
assignment, but I passed it and thanks for the A, cum
laude predicate and the graduation.
Then one night I am able to notice one no. and I
constantly annoyed the no. for a revenge ;p hehehehe… cant
blame myself! At a short run, the next night we end up
telling story thru sms … bla..bla…
He asked whether I am a lover? I said am a single fighter,
he replied by saying why didn’t I mention his name? am I
ashamed? No way… we’ve broken up, he didn’t have to know
my ex’s name… I utterly said he’s a bastard – well, HE IS…
he lied to me for 6 months of our relationship (we’ve been
2gther for a year b4 we finally decided 2 broke up). After
some chat we ended it coz it’s late already.
The next nite, he – he’s name is PAUL from British (that’s
what he said) – sms me again telling me that he knows
finally where does my no. come from in his cellphone, he
mentions my full name – I was shocked – I supposed only
close person could recall my full name (u know how long it
is…). I forced him to tell me who that person is… (am in a
process of forgive and forget of what happened to me) he
mentioned a name and I suddenly felt DEAD!
“So, u’ve met the bastard” – I rushed out those words.
Then, all of a sudden my ex took control of the cellphone
and sms me with that no. saying that am a backstabber that
for all these times he has taken good care of my name
(WHAT FOR?) and I repaid him a backstab… without saying
any apology for breaking up by phone not even trying to
care for what has happened, his promises (DARN IT…), my
feelings (I don’t know about his…). Paul said that my ex
had read all our sms and they had a chat about me and he
decided to trust all that my ex told him coz he trusts him
just as he trusts himself… (just for couple of minutes, am
slapped and down all over… )
It crossed my mind, whether all foreigners would say just
like that about their native friends? Like paul and my
ex-boyfriend or u and me…
I cried all nite… trying to figure out what just happened
and what’s goin on with the story between me and my
ex-boyfriend. I used to love him so much, ending up all my
wrong deeds at past (could it be karma?) and try to fix
things up with him – am MISTAKEN. I was fooled!
U know what, all my friends at my boarding house were
surprised seeing me cried – am at all HUMAN not a robot
like they always think. They know all the stories and went
outrageous for what had happened. I stopped crying and
called my best friend to call me, we chatted and I was
calming down 
In the next morning, I turn my cellphone on again – I put
it off coz I wont hear no more! There his sms, yelling and
swearing at me ‘SCREW YOU!’ telling me that I don’t credit
the title, as a graduate international relation study and
Cum Laude, am wearing for swearing fuck (I never do that!)
and suck (since when that’s is such a forbidden swearing…
he’s the one learning English literature which now change
into Law study in University of Indonesia). I replied the
sms saying thanks for everything, hurting me, lying at our
relationship, playing behind my back (I knew that after I
called my friend and told her all, she went ballistic and
said that I shouldn’t care for that bastard anymore… and
then goes a story of him!). After that, I erase his
profile from my cellphone!
Now that am trying to cure myself, I want nothing around
me that could remind me of him – do u think it’s wise if I
returned all the things that he gave me? (after all am
nothing but a backstabber for all he knows) What will u do
if u r in my shoes? Will u do the same thing as paul if
things are mixed? Will u trust me fully?
Honestly, I don’t want u to do that – coz I know it’ll
hurt other – cant he just find other side of the story
before ending it up? So stupid, so careless, even if u
trust someone for some reason would want to be wise and
act like a mirror that can reflect many sides for other
people to see? (hahha… I cant even trust myself, for all
he needs to know, coz I know there’s evil in each and
every one of us – I wont let that beats me!)
Too much to ask, ya? Am so sorry if I confuse u… ;D
U cant even figure out why I got so thin, I still have the
smile, the warm attitude, the jokes and laugh and my
attentiveness… u think nothing was wrong except am broken.
Do u really think my friends are right – that I am a
robot? A mountain ice… I keep all inside for myself – no
matter how I express it, it never really is the REAL

Nb: It is a challenge for a new year… it’s probably not a
good gift compare to that of urs - NOT AT ALL! But I need
to know what u think of it – thanks before…and also after
on ur gift.

Nb: I cant imagine myself telling u this while in aceh and
surroundings there had been earthquake and tsunami…
terrible! I lost contact with some of my friends at
college… I always thought there’d be repayment for any
deeds – it’s closing year near – and god’s collecting his
matters (it’s still not many, but look what it had cost to

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Here are some wise words to loosen up our inner beauty.
Hope these could help you guys to be wonderfully nice

For attractive lips,
Speak words of kindness

For beautiful eyes,
Seek out the good in other people

To lose weight,
Let go of stress and the need to control others

To improve your ears,
Listen to the word of God.

Touch someone with your love,
rather than focus on the thorns of life,
smell the roses and count your blessings

For poise,
Walk with knowledge and self-esteem

To strengthen your arms,
Hug at least 3 people a day

To strengthen your heart,
Forgive yourself and others

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If Only I Die
by Sam.07

If I die before I wake…
I wanna be there at sight
If I die before I could wake…
I want you to hold me tight

If only I die before I wake…
I'’ll call out your name longing
If only I just die before I wake…
Will you cover the pain – still?

If only I die before I make it to wake..
Let me be the love to love
If only I die before I say good bye..
Let the universe take me to remember

If only I die
Before I truly awake…

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Just A JOKE… :D

While touring a Red Indian reservation filming a
documentary, Barbara Walters was puzzled about the
difference in the number of feathers in
the head-dresses. So, she asked a brave who only had one
feather in his head-dress and
his reply was: "Only have one woman. One woman, one
feather." Feeling the first fellow was only joking she
asked another brave. This brave had two feathers in his
head-dress. And he replied: "Me have two women. Two women,
two feathers." Still not convinced the feathers indicated
number of sexual partners involved, she decided to
interview the
Chief. Now the Chief had a head-dress full of feathers
which, needless to say amused Ms. Walters who asked the
Chief, "Why do you have so many feathers in your
head-dress?" The Chief proudly pounded his chest and said:
"Me Chief, me screw 'em all. Big, small, fat and tall, me
screw 'em all."
Horrified, Ms. Walters stated, "You ought to be hung."
The Chief said: "You damn right, me hung, big like
buffalo, long like snake."
Ms. Walters cried, "You don't have to be so hostile."
The Chief replied: "Hoss-style, dog-style, wolf-style, any
style . ... me screw 'em all."
With tears in her eyes, Ms. Walters cried, "Oh dear."
The Chief said: "No deer. Ass too high, run too fast."

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We are the Whiners*
* Senang Mengeluh

Rasanya kita semua tidak kenal dengan orang yang bernama
Bauby, kecuali Anda perempuan & berbahasa Perancis atau
suka membaca majalah Elle. Ia pemimpin redaksi Elle. Tahun
1996 ia meninggal dalam usia 45 tahun setelah
menyelesaikan memoarnya yang "ditulisnya" secara sangat
istimewa dan diberinya judul Le Scaphandre et le Papillon
(The Diving Bell and the Butterfly). Tahun 1995 ia terkena
stroke yang menyebabkan seluruh tubuhnya lumpuh. Ia
mengalami apa yang disebut 'locked- in syndrome',
kelumpuhan total yang disebutnya 'seperti pikiran di dalam
botol'. Memang ia masih dapat berpikir jernih tetapi sama
sekali tidak bisa berbicara maupun bergerak. Satu-satunya
otot yang masih dapat diperintahnya adalah kelopak mata
kirinya. Jadi itulah caranya berkomunikasi dengan para
perawatnya, dokter rumah sakit, keluarga & temannya.
Mereka menunjukkan huruf demi huruf & si Jean akan
berkedip bila huruf yang ditunjukkan adalah yang
dipilihnya. "Bukan main", kata Anda. Ya, itu juga reaksi
semua yang membaca kisahnya. Buat kita, kegiatan menulis
mungkin sepele & menjadi hal yang biasa. Namun, kalau kita
disuruh "menulis" dengan cara si Jean, barangkali kita
harus menangis dulu berhari-hari. Betapa mengagumkan tekad
& semangat hidup maupun kemauannya untuk tetap menulis &
membagikan kisah hidupnya yang begitu luar biasa. Ia
meninggal 3 hari setelah bukunya diterbitkan. Jadi,
"Berapapun problem & stress & beban hidup kita semua,
hampir tidak ada artinya dibandingkan dengan si Jean!" Apa
yang a.l. ditulisnya di memoarnya itu? "I would be the
happiest man in the world if I could just properly swallow
the saliva that permanently invades my mouth". Bayangkan,
menelan ludah pun ia tak mampu :-(. Jadi kita yang masih
bisa makan bakmi, ngga usahlah Bakmi Gajah Mada, indomie
yang Rp 500 saja, seharusnya sudah berbahagia 100 kali
lipat dibanding si Jean. Kita bahkan senantiasa mengeluh,
setiap hari, sepanjang tahun. We are the constant whiners.
Apa lagi yang dikerjakan Jean di dalam kelumpuhan totalnya
selain menulis buku? Ia mendirikan suatu asosiasi
penderita 'locked-in syndrome' untuk membantu keluarga
penderita. Ia juga menjadi "bintang film" alias memegang
peran di dalam suatu film yang dibuat TV Perancis yang
menceritakan kisahnya. Ia merencanakan buku lainnya
setelah ia selesai menulis yang pertama. Pokoknya ia hidup
seperti yang dikehendaki Penciptanya, 'to celebrate life',
to do something good for others. Jadi, betapapun
kemelutnya keadaan kita saat ini, mereka yang sedang
stress berat, mereka yang sedang berkelahi baik dengan
diri sendiri maupun melawan orang lain atau anggota
keluarga, mereka yang sedang tidak bahagia karena
kebutuhan hidupnya tidak terpenuhi, mereka yang jalannya
masih terpincang-pincang karena baru saja terinjak paku,
mereka yang sedang di-PHK, saya yakin kita masih bisa
menelan ludah. Semoga kita semua tidak terus menjadi
whiner, pengeluh abadi, manusi yang sukar puas. Kata orang
bijak, "Think and Thank", berfikirlah & kemudian
bersyukurlah. Sudahkah anda mensyukuri nikmat-Nya???

Have a Nice day
Sumber: Unknown (Tidak Diketahui)

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"Pesankan Saya, Tempat di Neraka!!"

Sebuah kisah dimusim panas yang menyengat. Seorang
kolumnis majalah Al Manar mengisahkannya. Musim panas
merupakan ujian yang cukup berat. Terutama bagi muslimah,
untuk tetap mempertahankan pakaian kesopanannnya. Gerah
dan panas tak lantas Menjadikannya menggadaikan akhlak.
Berbeda dengan musim dingin, dengan menutup telinga dan
leher, kehangatan badan bisa dijaga. Jilbab bisa sebagai
multi fungsi. Dalam sebuah perjalanan yang cukup panjang,
Cairo-Alexandria; di sebuah mikrobus. Ada seorang
perempuan muda berpakaian kurang layak untuk
dideskripsikan sebagai penutup aurat. Karena menantang
kesopanan. Ia duduk diujung kursi dekat pintu keluar.
Tentu saja dengan cara pakaian seperti itu mengundang
'perhatian' kalau bisa dibahasakan sebagai keprihatinan
sosial.Seorang bapak setengah baya yang kebetulan duduk
disampingnya mengingatkan. Bahwa pakaian seperti itu bisa
mengakibatkan sesuatu yang tak baik bagi dirinya.
Disamping pakaian seperti itu juga melanggar aturan agama
dan norma kesopanan. Tahukah Anda apa respon perempuan
muda tersebut? Dengan ketersinggungan yang sangat ia
mengekspresikan kemarahannya. Karena merasa privasinya
terusik. Hak berpakaian menurutnya adalah hak prerogatif
seseorang. "Jika memang bapak mau, ini ponsel saya. Tolong
pesankan saya, tempat di neraka Tuhan Anda!! Sebuah respon
yang sangat frontal. Dan sang bapak pun hanya
beristighfar. Ia terus menggumamkan kalimat-kalimat Allah.
Detik-detik berikutnya suasanapun hening. Beberapa orang
terlihat kelelahan dan terlelap dalam mimpinya. Tak
terkecuali perempuan muda itu. Hingga sampailah perjalanan
dipenghujung tujuan. Di terminal akhir mikrobus
Alexandria. Kini semua penumpang bersiap-siap untuk turun.
Tapi mereka terhalangi oleh perempuan muda tersebut yang
masih terlihat tertidur. Ia berada didekat pintu keluar.
Bangunkan saja!", begitu kira-kira permintaan para
penumpang. Tahukah apa yang terjadi. Perempuan muda
tersebut benar-benar tak bangun lagi. Ia menemui ajalnya.
Dan seisi mikrobus tersebut terus beristighfar,
menggumamkan kalimat Allah sebagaimana yang dilakukan
bapak tua yang duduk disampingnya. Sebuah akhir yang
menakutkan. Mati dalam keadaan menantang Tuhan. Seandainya
tiap orang mengetahui akhir hidupnya.... Seandainya tiap
orang menyadari hidupnya bisa berakhir setiap saat...
Seandainya tiap orang takut bertemu dengan Tuhannya dalam
keadaan yang buruk... Seandainya tiap orang tahu bagaimana
kemurkaan Allah... Sungguh Allah masih menyayangi kita
yang masih terus dibimbing-Nya. Allah akan semakin
mendekatkan orang-orang yang dekat denganNYA semakin
dekat. Dan mereka yang terlena seharusnya segera sadar...
mumpung kesempatan itu masih ada.

Sumber: Cerita dari Mesir "Pesankan Saya, Tempat di

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God's Letter to a Woman
(This is a must read!!!!)

When I created the heavens and the earth, I spoke them
into being.
When I created man, I formed him and breathed life into
his nostrils.
But you, woman, I fashioned after I breathed the breath of
life into man, because your nostrils are too delicate.

I allowed a deep sleep to come over him so I could
patiently and perfectly fashion you.
Man was put to sleep so that he could not interfere with
the creativity.
From one bone, I fashioned you.
I chose the bone that protects man's life.
I chose the rib, which protects his heart and lungs and
supports him,
as you are meant to do.

Around this one bone, I shaped you....... I modeled you.
I created you perfectly and beautifully.
Your characteristics are as the rib, strong yet delicate
and fragile.
You provide protection for the most delicate organ in man,
his heart.
His heart is the center of his being; his lungs hold the
breath of life.
The ribcage will allow itself to be broken before it will
allow damage to the heart.
Support man as the rib cage supports the body.

You were not taken from his feet, to be under him,
nor were you taken from his head, to be above him.
You were taken from his side, to stand beside him and be
held close to his side.

You are my perfect angel.....You are my beautiful little
You have grown to be a splendid woman of excellence, and
my eyes fill when I see the virtues in your heart.
Your eyes...don't change them.
Your lips, how lovely when they part in prayer.
Your nose, so perfect in form.
Your hands so gentle to touch. I've caressed your face in
your deepest sleep.
I've held your heart close to mine.
Of all that lives and breathes, you are most like me.

Adam walked with me in the cool of the day, yet he was
He could not See me or touch me. He could only feel me.
So everything I wanted Adam to share and experience with
I fashioned in you; my Holiness, my Strength, my Purity,
my Love, my Protection and Support.

You are special because you are an extension of me.
Man represents my image, woman my emotions.
Together, you represent the totality of God.

So man......treat woman well.

Love her, respect her, for she is fragile. In hurting her,
you hurt me.

What you do to her, you do to me.
In crushing her, you only damage your own heart;
the heart of your Father, and the heart of her Father.
Woman, support man. In humility, show him the power of
emotion I have given you.

In gentle quietness, show your strength.
In love, show him that you are the rib that protects his
inner self.

Did you not know that WOMAN is special in God's eyes?

Send this to ten of the wonderful women you know and bless
their day!
Send this to the men you know too. It's a good reminder
for them!
Akses Internet TELKOMNet-Instan beri Diskon s.d. 50 % khusus untuk wilayah Jawa Timur.
Informasi selengkapnya di www.telkomnetinstan.com atau hub 0800-1-INSTAN (467826)

Jan 3, 2005


Sbenernya timingnya ga gitu tepat, I suppose it never
will, am just waiting for a reply on my short message in
my cellphone from a friend – u can say that again (me and
my being ‘naughty’) – but it didn’t came at all… probably
he’s busy packing to jogja – ups… did I just say the magic
word? HahahahaÂ… forget it.
The song, ku tunggu smpai samudera mengeringÂ… it is
almost, but am not goin to wait any longer – am tired! Say
that am selfish, stupid, big headed, and not understanding
but am not that singerÂ… I can make thousands of lovely
poems, talking thru my hearts and stuffs but I donÂ’t
expect any would notice my REAL notionÂ… then again, what a
hake! U can never expect to have it all in life.
Am forgetting all pain and hurtsÂ… just like forming
myself back to the past – I hate it, HONESTLY – but I
donÂ’t know whatÂ’s happened that am forced to wait till the
water runs dry… hihihi… another song by All 4 one – if am
not mistaken.
Manusia bodoh, nice song – mengingatkan pd beberapa org
(terutama yg sms nya lg dtggu blasannya) – I am stupid,
now that I fell down I still wished IÂ’d hang onÂ… memang ga
pd tiang yg sama tp I just wish I could just hang on and
not giving up – coz I never like that notion! Tp justru
buncahan perasaaan dan cerita yg menjadi denyut di kepala
bkata bahwa aku harus cari samudera lain, karena yg
kemarin baru saja mengering and itÂ’s no use. Sure I want
thatÂ… but who, how, whenÂ… I can never tell even so hard I
try to answer.
Samudera tlah mengering, itÂ’s not my fault or anyone
elseÂ’s. I am just trying to forgive myself and walk awayÂ…
u can never guess what god would give u as a gift?!

(*) inspired by Jikustik song

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Books Can Be Banned, ButÂ…
They say reading books is important because a person can
increase his/her knowledge by reading. Even, many thinkers
of the history like to read bunch of books. For prove,
they own thousands of books collection. Mohammad Hatta,
you name it, heÂ’s a great figure who had big fond of
But sometimes, the reality has its own saying. Books can
be, once at the time, enemies which have to be destroyed
and given no chance of living their spirit up. In 1991 to
1995, for example, there had been many banning books cases
for like 32 books title. Which means in every year there
are at least 6 books title were banned.
The reality is actually contrary to the principle of
freedom in expressing thoughts. Meanwhile we have strict
constitution upon freedom to express and give opinion. If
we keep on putting up with this situation, there will be
no more space left to be different, and all that left were
a goodbye to democracy.
Independent Assembly
Banning over publishing a book is actually quite OK, as
far as it is considered to have the potential to wreck
morality. Let say, books containing pornography or
violence. But still, it has to be proved by law. At least,
there ought to be a legal independent assembly who will
give certain remark upon published-books.
This means, no more banning books for none appropriate
reasons. Nevertheless to cover up one side only, for
example doing sweeping through all books. This action is
contradictory to freedom principle of thinking and giving
We – as books consumer – have to be selective in reading,
too. We donÂ’t have to agree or accept anything written in
the books. As a matter of fact, we have to be critical to
what we read. Accepted or not, a content of a book will
enlarge our knowledge and improve our vocabulary in
thinking about the world. And most important is that in
the future, there will be no more banning to the ways of
expressing ourselves and giving words-out. (Adv)

Taken from the article of Kolom Sprite


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Forsaken Soul
by Rika

Do you hate the world?
Hating for what
it had done to you
Or are you being selfish?
Does the world suppose
to be blame?
IsnÂ’t it you?
You hate yourself
Blame the world for
the true sickness in your soul
Left alone in sickness
Get worst as you blame
CanÂ’t you figure out?
The sick heart is
a forsaken soul
The forsaken soul is there
Waiting to be cared.

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Aku bersyukur...

Mendengar anggota keluargaku ngomel-ngomel dirumah,
berarti aku masih punya keluarga yang utuh
Merasa lelah dan pegal linu setiap sore,
sebab itu berarti aku mampu bekerja keras.
Membersihkan piring dan gelas kotor setelah menerima tamu
karena itu berarti aku dikelilingi teman-teman.
Pakaianku terasa agak sempit,
karena itu berarti bahwa makanku cukup kenyang.
Mencuci dan menyetrika tumpukan baju,
sebab itu berarti aku memiliki pakaian.
Membersihkan halaman rumah, membersihkan jendela,
memperbaiki talang dan got,
karena itu berarti aku memiliki tempat tinggal.
Duduk kembali di kantor,
berarti masih ada perusahaan yang mau memperkerjakan aku
bahkan perusahaan masih mampu membayar gaji setiap
Mendengar nyanyian suara yang fals,
karena itu berarti aku bisa mendengar.
Mendengar bunyi jam alarm dipagi hari,
sebab itu berarti aku hidup.
aku perlu bersyukur mendapatkan e-mail ini,
karena tidak sadar aku masih memiliki teman yang peduli
Oh... indahnya...
Kirimlah e-mail ini kepada temanmu. Aku baru saja
Seseorang yang peduli tentang aku telah mengirimkannya
kepadaku ....


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How To Win Friends
There are six ways to make other people like you, lets
find out how!

Principle 1
“Become genuinely interested in other people.”
Principle 2
Principle 3
“Remember that a person’s name is to that person the
sweetest and most important sound in any language.”
Principle 4
“Be a good listener. Encourage others to talk about
Principle 5
“Talk in terms of other person’s interest.”
Principle 6
“Make the other person feel important – and do it

Now that you know it, good luck in making friends Â… as
they say, lots of friends will never be enough, but one
enemy is already too many!


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kecepatan browing anda hingga 10x lipat. Informasi lebih lanjut www.plasa.com atau call 147.



Ada rutinitas baru yg akhir-akhir ni g jalanin ma ma2
tersayang (sjak stuck dirumah qt mang jd sering
kompakanÂ…), yaitu konsumsi minuman tradisionalÂ…
G seehh skedar ikutn br jd sehat, ma2 jg maksudnya gtu
(ok, g ngakuÂ… tbersit keinginan br bs ngurangin napsu
makan g yg KEBANGETAN ni – almost all my friends tau
kebiasaaan buruk g ni – not that am bothered with the size
of my body, am pratically fine-shaped tp mkn blebihan tu
jelekÂ… ktanya and g jd tpengaruh). Intinya qt jd
keranjingan minum jamu ni 3 kali sehariÂ… ternyataÂ… eh,
ternyataÂ… metabolisme yg diperlancar tu menggangu
rutinitas makan g – which I assume GOOD – kuantitas g prg
‘nature calls’, kebiasaan tidur g, smuanya… ternyata emang
dlm hidup ga da rutinitas yg sepenuhnya selamanya bae2 –
minum jamu tu salah satunyaÂ…
WaaaÂ… bobot badan qt naek trus, justru ga bae bt kesehatan
(plagi ma2 yg mnjelang paruh baya)… waktu g ‘nature calls’
berkurang – jd kangen dech, hehehehe… ;p g pikir g akan
lbh bahagia kl kebiasaan g mkn bs terkontrol, hidup g lbh
terarah dan sehatÂ… TERNYATA GA SAMA SEKALI! Am not that
totally HAPPY L
Begitu qt berhenti minum jamu tu slma beberapa waktu
ternyata… badan g kyk menemukan ‘asli’nya kembali…
kebiasaan makan g, waktu2 ‘nature calls’, g yg sk tidur2
ga jelas AKA insomnia, kpl sering pusing mpe langganan
neuralgin – ma2 plg parah! Wow… we miss all that.
Eventually, life cant be much happierÂ… life is a concept,
happy is indeed one of itÂ’s kind, itÂ’s not just how u do
it but also how u think of it... living a happier life? A
question never answered – coz we’re always confused which
come 1st, is it the egg or the chicken?


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kecepatan browing anda hingga 10x lipat. Informasi lebih lanjut www.plasa.com atau call 147.



A couple came upon a wishing well.
The husband leaned over and made
a wish and threw in a penny.
The wife decided to make a wish, too.
But she leaned over too much, and
fell into the well, and was yelling and
screaming because she was all wet.
The husband was stunned for a while
but then he smile and said,
“It really works!”.


Manfaatkan layanan TelkomNet @ Premium melalui kartu prabayar I-VAS untuk meningkatkan
kecepatan browing anda hingga 10x lipat. Informasi lebih lanjut www.plasa.com atau call 147.



In reality, being famous is important. Being no.1 in
everything is dream of each and everyone. Being loved is
desire. Being noticed is way of living. But, letÂ’s see
deep that the world is not always about important things,
dreams and desires also ways of living. Why not just think
that itÂ’s hard already to be YOU! Even when you cant fly
above sky, you can still smile. Even when you cant lie,
you can still be the best of who you are. LetÂ’s heal the
world of our own, who will do it if itÂ’s not US! Meaning
ME, YOU, HIM, HER, and everybody!? You cant fight the
tears coming, wipe it and youÂ’re alive.. if you think that
the world wont understand seeing you, well.. I just want
you to know that everything meant to be THE BEST of who
that is! Can you heal your world, then?

Manfaatkan layanan TelkomNet @ Premium melalui kartu prabayar I-VAS untuk meningkatkan
kecepatan browing anda hingga 10x lipat. Informasi lebih lanjut www.plasa.com atau call 147.
