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It’s not FAIR!

Feb 21, 2005

I hear that notion too often in my ear, people write it down, confront it, make use of it… honestly, I am eager to ask them back – since it’s understandable FAIR is a matter of need, which comes from a right and possessed by human!
What is FAIR? What kind of FAIR do u want, need, see?
What do you actually hope for from FAIR?
What FAIR is for?
I’ve been told constantly that FAIR is putting something to where it belongs – well, on whose consideration would that be right? Or wrong? Is it giving smaller kid bigger bread and bigger kid smaller bread is FAIR? Should it be done the other way around? Or giving both the same size of bread is the Fairest of all (what’s that notion to come… now that it comes with stages :p)?
Another example – is it FAIR to act as local people to be accepted? Is it FAIR if u cant be just who u are? Is it FAIR if ur parents are divorced? Is it FAIR if someone cheated and got better grades than u? Is it FAIR to hurt or be hurt?
On which side is that FAIR?
For whose necessities are FAIR actually grant for?
Cant be avoided that taking FAIR as an object would cross us between rights and obligations. We, often, neglect what comes together with FAIR and what ends with a NOT-word. It’s hard to be human and even harder to live, but if living is all about FAIR only – then you can say GOD itself ‘s been unFAIR! As a matter of fact – it ISN’T… thanks to GOD 
Putting something to where it should be – meaning FAIR, acting the way people would be pleased could also mean FAIR, take and give appropriately – meaning FAIR, being as it is – already FAIR, etc.
But for seconds before, could you just pause and think – is it your time or theirs to be FAIR? For their sake? Or yours? Is it really already FAIR enough?


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