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Nov 2, 2006

bukan cm soal kemarahan, tp kadang solusinya hanya simple layaknya 'A, I, U, E, O'... komunikasi dan pengertian... karena dunia itu bukan cm soal jd manusia ato DEWA! hiduplah hidup, we all deserve that ;)

Selimut Hati*

Inspired by that song while I was reading this message that I got from someone reading my posting, thus I post this letter so that u could feel and learn from an experience to live a love. It’s both sad and relieving letter to read…

All of you out there taking love as ur energy to live… may god bless us all! Bonne chance... cinta akan menemukan sapapun tu tnpa terduga layaknya kematian, there’s no way u can run from it! Tp bedanya dlm mengarungi cinta byk sekali pilihan… tp seperti MATI yg mengakhiri kalimat dengan titik, CINTA adalah berbagai macam atribut penghias kalimat-kalimat diary-mu ;)

Happy reading!

Dear Principessa,
Mungkin karena pengalamanku dengan love and jealousy ini maka aku tuliskan komentarku.

Ya, aku kenal seorang gadis, mungkin dia sekitar 25 tahun, dan pernah mengalami masa lalu yang kurang menyenangkan. Apa itu? ”Bisakah kita tidak membicarakannya,” katanya jelas menampikku. Aku tak memaksa.

Kita berdua berbeda: usia, asal-usul daerah, status pribadi, dan bahkan ”cara berpikir” – perbedaan yang menurutku justru mengikat kita lebih erat. Aku ada di sebuah ruang yang kerap memenjaraku untuk tak beranjak jauh, dia ada di udara dan bisa terbang ke mana saja.

Dia tumbuh menjadi gadis yang smart, cerdas, berprestasi, excellent dalam inggris dan menguasai perancis. Tapi dia mengaku tak pernah berlabuh ke satu hati dalam cinta. Sudah 17 cinta dia arungi, tapi tidak juga petualangannya akan diakhiri. Aku mulanya hanya sanggup jadi pacar dalam hatinya. Tapi pelan kusadari, rasanya rinduku sering tak terbendung. Cinta? Pelan tapi pasti makin jelas iya. Aku bilang padanya akan bisa menyalip yang lain, dan duduk sebagai yang pertama di hatinya. Ini mungkin lebih melayani egoku, rasanya mustahil menjadi numero uno dengan sempitnya waktu yang aku bisa bagi untuk dia.

Kami sepakat untuk bicara. Tapi inilah yang akan kusampaikan.

”Dear KK (pada saat khusus aku memanggilnya begitu) kalau kamu bilang petualanganmu akan berakhir ketika pernikahan tiba, kamu bisa keliru. Kita tak akan menikahi dia yang ideal – karena yang ideal hanya milik pikiran kita dan Tuhan. Adakah petualanganmu akan berhenti ketika akhirnya kamu tahu bahwa yang ideal bukan yang bersamamu dan ada di luar sana?

Kalau pernikahan dimaksudkan mengobati penyebab petualanganmu, itu juga bisa keliru. Karena pernikahan bukan lembaga yang serba ideal, seringkali bukan rumah terakhir bagi cinta. Bukankah banyak pernikahan berjalan tanpa cinta? Bukankah ada begitu banyak cinta dalam lembaga itu hanya bertahan dua atau tiga tahun? Bukankah ada begitu banyak orang yang kehilangan cinta justru dalam lembaga pernikahan? Jelas ada banyak orang yang juga menemukan cinta dalam pernikahan.

Artinya, KK, ada perjudian di sana. Tapi menyemai cinta tulus bukan pekerjaan sia-sia. Jika nanti dia tak berujung “saling memiliki”, kita sudah memenangkan hati, kita sudah pernah berlabuh, mengakhiri petualangan yang penuh liku, trik, pelampiasan kesal atau rasa tak percaya, dendam, luka. Cinta adalah obat dan ujung akhir petualanganmu. Cinta dan pernikahan tentu yang terbaik – jika itu terjadi kelak. Tapi kalau pernikahan tak membawa cinta, kamu sudah pernah mengenal cinta yang “menyembuhkanmu”, mengakhiri “trauma”mu, dan membuatmu berlabuh.

Petualangan bisa melukai dia yang tulus mencintaimu. Dia yang merasakan sepinya hari tanpa sms dan teleponmu. Merasakan tertusuk-tusuk ketika kamu pergi tanpa kabar. Dia yang membacakan doa di akhir salatnya, dia yang berjaga di malam hari ketika kamu mengeluh sakit. Merasa gundah, tegang, risau, mual, kamu melanjutkan perkawanan dengan mereka yang kamu ceritakan jelas-jelas berharap cintamu.

Petualangan bisa mencederai dia yang mau berkorban untukmu, memikirkan apa yang bisa di-share untukmu, masa depanmu, kebahagiaanmu, dan siap menyanggamu kalau hal yang buruk terjadi. Menyayat dia yang sudah berjanji pada Tuhan untuk tak menjadikan puncak kenikmatan dunia sebagai tujuan bergandengan tangan denganmu.

Dia barangkali tidak berharap banyak, mengingat keadaannya. Ia dengan kesadaran penuh sangat tahu keterbatasannya: hanya MALAIKAT DI TENGAH KERUMUNAN ORANG yang baik hati yang mungkin membuat KEAJAIBAN – dengan mengadukan derita orang yang menyinta itu kepada Tuhan....

* Song by Dewa 19


Oct 8, 2006

A numero uno person in my heart consumes this blogpage just couple of days ago… I was pretty thrilled to know that he’s considering my write-ups ;)

I try to learn about luv and jealousy with him…

He said it’s tough to deal with such notion coz sometimes u just never know what the outcome will be… but I answered ‘whatever will be will be, coz we live for today!’ He mused me saying he’s a person of strategic planning, well… that makes both of us then but it wont kill if we loosen up once in a while, heart ;)

A hormonal movement in most part of human tissue makes you feel the unbelievable… you feel like exploding yet blooming out of the ground… you’re in love and you wanna have it ALL! But as life is a rollercoaster you can never have it ALL in one time… jealousy turns to correction, it becomes appropriate to assume and insist on what you have in mind despite what other people may wish…

A hormonal movement in most part of human tissue makes you feel vulnerable… you feel fragile but at the same time too strong to fight back! You’re in love and jealous of your heart on having the feeling that ought to be shared… LOVE complacent is then an answer of your path… the scent of his/her body… the touch of his/her skin… both of your passion…

Human beings are living to love and working along with jealousy coz love is indeed never without jealousy, dear luv of my heart (22/4)! Can you people plan that?


“Ini cuma bohong putih ko… gda masalah kan? Ini untuk menyelamatkan qt semua,”

Tak jarang dari kita yang menggunakan legitimasi bohong putih alias white lie menjadi suatu bentuk penyelamatan. Suatu pembenaran akan tindakan yang menyimpang. Lebih parah lagi meletakkan kebohongan yang satu itu di atas tipe-tipe kebohongan lainnya.

Manusia tidak lepas dari kebohongan, seperti makan keseharian dipenuhi oleh hasrat-hasrat yang tak jarang tidak terpenuhi – bahkan yg terpenuhi sekalipun membawa pada kebohongan! Memang bukan maksud hati, apalagi sekarang bulan Ramadhan…

Tapi banyak dari kita mencoba berbagai macam pembenaran, salah satunya adalah white lie… sekalipun ‘putih’ muatan ‘hitam’ dari kebohongan yang tercipta terbentuk dalam format kepuasaan ato complacent. Apapun itu bentuknya kebohongan akan melahirkan kebohongan lanjutan layaknya sinetron seri di televisi… semakin ketagihan saja penikmatnya!

White lie… memang putih memang bohong, tapi apakah juga bermuatan salah? Naahh… kalau hal itu hanya Dia-lah yg berhak memberikan skor, kita hanya bs berdo’a…

Posting kali ini bukannya menggurui, tp aku sendiri terinspirasi atas apa yg ‘menimpa’ku… white lie… bongkahan di hatiku yang membuncah… merekah lalu meledakkan langit-langit!

“ADUH… maaf. Ini namanya BOHONG PUTIH… demi sygku.”


Aug 26, 2006

Dalam bulan ni ku harapkan sgala berkah-Nya dapat terlimpah atas ku!

Program beasw yg sangat ku harapkan, hari istimewa tuk a special person di hati ku (10/8), dan hari terindah dalam hidup ku ketika kami (secara tidak lansung) memutuskan tuk menjalani kehidupan ni bersama – mang blom resmi seehh ;p

In August, when everything starts! From a 1st visit to 1st fight… love is indeed never without jealousy, my dear..

In August, I have to decide on focusing my study proposal to study in France, not that I forgot my offer in Westminster Univ but what’s ahead right now is not it anymore… first thing first I said to myself! I intend to study about journalism in France enlarging my capability in International capacities…

Lately I’ve been reading many materials about journalistic practices and Journalism. The proposal that I conduct based on Indonesia’s condition in a term of the freedom of press – I once made a mini proposal regarding that matter assigned by one of my lecturer when I was in college. Surely, progress and discussion upon journalistic and press have been consumptive yet also consuming as the form of news itself – brought by journalists!

We may live in some part of the world in peaceful sleep while another part of the world is having agony in a devastating war… tough luck that we wont end up the same!

In August that will end soon, I hope we still hold our dreams together and fight for the true fairness and objectivity as we’re the night watchers… to survive…


Aug 7, 2006

It’s been almost a month and still counting that Israel attacks Lebanon, if it’s not WAR then what’s that so called?? Civilians are continuously become victims, children, women and elders… The world kept silent! The United Nations cant do a DAMN thing about it…

It’s a call for WAR! It’s not about Moslem societies anymore… it’s about violating the international law – WHERE is that f**king ratification useful at this critical moment?? Are we again sent aback to the time of World War… Gulf War… Biochemical War… ethnic alienation war… Are we NEVER actually moving forward?? Then what’s the use of the United Nations? The International Law? The Law about war and Crime against Humanity and or Crime of War?? Where should we put our face to now…

I hardly cant blame anyone – but one thing for sure THERE IS one to be blame… our HUMANITY! Does goin to the battle field help? Does sending money help those people from fright, hunger, anger and being torn-apart? NO… NOT ALL… it may help a bit… but WE HAVE TO STOP the WAR… condemn it, not joining it… no matter what people say about JIHAD, I think it’s suicide  it will only worsen things to blare more fire…

Let’s STOP the call for WAR! It’s the 21st century for GOD sake… I know balance of power, I know JIHAD, I know history… I may know little that I cant ACCEPT this from happening… but aren’t we all know so little that we made mistake and make it up? Am not goin to teach you about international relations study nor journalistic ideas… am just trying to be HUMAN! In order to keep PEACE… WAR is created to balance the environment… but when things go out of control don’t you just stand there! Be SOME KINDA human and use your power… it’s the call to (stop) war for all human (ever) being!!


Jul 17, 2006

This writing is made for us to realize how important to live a life as we should. Reaching for the 20th century, we have been startled by the rapid growth of science and technology – humanbeings are no longer suffering from the lack of power – while in the 21st century we have to face the reality bites that human is one hell of a weapon to others – being exploited for the advantages of others. It’s time for us to see the world from different sight, all these times we’ve been watching almost the same side of the world each and every day – a bit change won’t hurt us, right?
Humanbeing tend to grow consumptive, individualistic, and selfish in their live styles. There is no doubt that we can actually see two portraits of lives among us – one with a bright smile having loads of money to spend while in the other side we can see pale faces because of starvation and it seems to be helpless – do you see them? I bet you do! Then, the question is that what have you done to fix it?
It is no longer about politics, economy, or law… but, it’s about living life as we should. It’s been times that we didn’t realize the real meaning of life – do you actually know the meaning of “Human as individual and social creature” as said by Aristotle? Perhaps all of you would say that the sentence means nothing more than human can be both individual and social at the same time and there’s no clue for us to live the world alone – we need one another! Well, you guys are half-right…while leaving the true sense of the sentence behind. The sentence actually mean a lot more politics that you thought – but, that’s it – you forgot that we – humanbeing – actually live that way already…for years but we lost the real sense of the sentence.
Social inequality is one word to describe it. Are those people with watering money happy with their lives? Not at the bottom line! Humanbeing are basically can not be satisfied by food, money and power! Living a peaceful live is when you can picture peace surround you. It’s true that not all of us can enjoy the shinning world, it would all be given back to The Almighty – God.
What can we picture lately? Bombing, political war, and uncertainty of peace – where is humanity? I really need you guys to answer it. It is no longer about you or me but us! We need to work things out together to increase social welfare and put down poverty also social salvation.
We should think of a system to overcome social inequality, protect economical importance, handle a fair distribution of wealth, etc. That way we can have advantages of the development of science and technology within human civilization.
Do you see the world now? In different sight, the world is a fragile place to live in; the problem is that can we save it up so that it won’t tear us out to pieces? I leave that to you to answer it.
This writing is only one example of seeing the world at different sight, you can always have your own different sight to hold up but nevertheless see what you can see as long as you’re being given time to see and change what you don’t like – believe me, you could?!


Jul 5, 2006

Akhirnya kembali lagi waktu bagi para pahlawan 'menyerang' bumi dengan idealisme... dengan 'kebenaran'nya... dengan antusiasmenya...

Tidak ada yang slah dengan itu semua, tokh memang spertinya di saat2 dimana bencana mengintai kita membutuhkan sokongan seorang pahlawan... bukan pahlawan yg tbiasa dengan kata2 bijaknya (coz we aint need anymore NATO attitude), bukan jg pahlawan yg tau nya cm itu2 ja tp gda perkembangan (masa dari jman dlu mpe sekarang cm itu2 ja seehh..) tp pahlawan yg mau mengaku meluangkan waktu skedar procrastinanting (buang2 waktu dari kerjaannya) trus back to work and make everything runs OK ;)

The world, let's just say Indonesia coz it might be too much of appreciation, needs kinda Superman Returns... returning from fuzzy life to a better start to fly off, katanya kita di era tggal landas... tp kapan take off nya yaa ko lama PISAN euy ;p

Emang bener2 Super Man! kalo seorang pahlawan bs punya timbunan senjata (mang ga bole self defense AKA persiapan sblum kena attack), klo seorang pahlawan tnyata menusuk pahlawan lain ketika dia tak berhasil mnyelamatkan dunia (the reason that comes to the surface is that the other might make it IF the position - and yet condition as well - be different, way.. way... different... kalo seorang pahlawan adalah impian palsu! emang bener2 Super Man (kyk iklan ja neh g) :)

A Woman

Jun 12, 2006

God said..
When I made woman, she had to be special.
I made her shoulders strong enough to carry the weight of the world, yet gentle enough to give comfort.
I gave her an inner strength to endure childbirth and the rejection that many times comes from her children.
I gave her a hardness that allows her to keep going when everyone else gives up and take care of her family through sickness and fatigue without complaining.
I gave her sensitivity to love her children under any and all circumstances even when her child has hurt them very badly. This same sensitivity helps her to make child’s boo-boo fell better and share in their teenagers’ anxieties and fears.
I gave her strength to carry her husband through his fault and fashioned her from his rib to protect his heart.
I gave her wisdom to know that a good husband never hurts his wife but sometime tests her strength and resolve to stand beside him unfalteringly.
I gave her tear to shed, it’s her exclusively to use whenever is needed. It’s her only weakness, it’s a tear for mankind.

Karena Kutahu Engkau Begitu

Jun 7, 2006

Memang ini bukannya tempat tuk bercurhat ria apalagi tuk bkin diary, hehehehe… tp rasanya memang saat ini aku hanya bs menikmati apa yg kurasakan tnpa terlalu menuntut as I like to do – but then it gets better and better ;)
Karena Kutahu Engkau Begitu intinya – lagu Andre Hehanusa yg seakan ditujukan pada ku – maksa dech sayangku ;p Tp tiap kata2 yg dtulisnya… jarak yg membentang, gejolak yg berkembang bersama… aahhh, rasanya ko jd kyk mo MARAH, NANGIS n KETAWA pd saat yg bersamaan… bs ya??!
Bulan Juni ya,
Bentar lg sgalanya akan lebih lapang… masalah kul, masalah kerjaan, masalah… hhmm… u know what! Am talking about u don’t u just stand there and smile, hihihi… Karena Kutahu Engkau Begitu kata nya berulangkali, mengiang di telinga mendesak keluar dr deru player.
Am gonna continue my work now and then…

Perhaps God Wants To Say Something

May 30, 2006

Gempa guncang jogja... gempa guncang jawa tengah... mana lg berikut nya? Apa lg berikutnya? What’s with u Indonesia? Rasanya blom slese tangis ku tuk Aceh, ketika Tanah Mekah tu disapu air laut membawa semua kenangan yang tersimpan, di ladang… di jalanan… di taman… di antara bangunan2…

Blom lg pemerintah ‘beres’ dengan penanganan bencana di NAD, skg sudah ada line berikut nya yaitu gempa di Jogja… blom lg urusan UU Penanganan Bencana di pusat ‘dibereskan’ oleh para wakil rakyat… Wamena, Papua di hantam bencana siang ini! Gempa dgn kekuatan 5,6 skala richter lg2 memporak-porandakan smuanya… Bantul blom jg pulih dr trauma… gunung Merapi blom jg mengeluarkan ‘panas’ amarah nya…

Ada apa dgn Indonesia?

Perhaps God wants to say something to us… dunno what, but perhaps He just had it that He cant get our attention… perhaps He’s just makin’ a joke out of us… WWWHHHOOAA!!! What’s with us that He did all these?

Perhaps it’s something important… it surely is… menanti sbuah jawaban kah, kawan? Well, count me in then… but I wont wait for any answers coz I wanna struggle for those answers and make it mine ;)

Le Printemps Français 2006

May 15, 2006

Melayang Bersama Bintang!

Voila, Le Printemps Français is in the air! Saatnya merayakan kehangatan… mulai saat ini Centre Culturel Français membagi kehangatan musim semi Perancis bersama Indonesia di Jakarta, Bandung, Jogjakarta, Surabaya, Balikpapan dan Bali.

Seakan menggambarkan perguliran bintang, perhelatan Le Printemps Français 2006 dimulai ketika kegelapan yang menyelimuti malam mulai menyingsing dalam pameran foto Après L’obscurité… (Habis Gelap) yang memperlihatkan keadaan sekeliling dari sudut yang menyentuh emosi. Dilanjutkan dengan sejumlah pagelaran musik, antara lain perpaduan antara Astonvilla (band asal Perancis) and Nextofkin (band asal Jogjakarta), Vis à vis oleh Mouron yang mengingatkan akan nuansa Perancis. Konser Untuk Negeri di Jakarta Convention Center disajikan bagi mereka yang tengah merindu akan suara khas Anggun C. Sasmi – penyanyi asal Indonesia yang hijrah ke Perancis.

Akhirnya, sebelum fajar menyingsing, Festival Sinema Perancis, yang diselenggarakan setiap tahun dan dinantikan oleh banyak orang menampilkan bintang-bintang terbaru sinema Perancis.

Semoga keanekaragaman kreasi kontemporer Perancis dalam Le Printemps Français 2006 akan senantiasa menghadirkan kenikmatan malam-malam yang indah bagi Anda!

Life Is a Rollercoaster

Apr 24, 2006

Living a life is already hard enough! There are still some issues in Indonesia that need to be fix… mind that, people!
No… no… am not goin to tell you more on politics, am not goin to burden your brains… not when out there your routines stuck you up behind desk, tighten your legs from moving, keep you away from breathing easily…
Life is already hard enough but life is indeed a rollercoaster – there’s nothing wrong on that notion!
Sometimes u get fed up with all surround u, as I might feel lately, u just need a room but all those are occupied and u’ve been thinking how much longer u can wait… ur head jammed! Sometimes u wanna understand what’s goin on, but people are protecting u from the unnecessarily protected matters… u wanna puked! Sometimes when things stroll OK, u miss the most important thing – define accidentally… Sometimes when u feel everything is running well u misinterpret ALL! Oouucchh, it hurts..
Anyways, though HARD and people tend to easily speak than done, it’ll be over soon… just like a rollercoaster – there’ll always be ups and downs and for some definition of those words may differ and vary from side to side.. Playboy magz may be a turmoil but for other it’s such an even turning point… Labor might be a hazardous issue but France makes it commonly provoked either for developed or developing countries – so, NO BIG DEAL ;p


Apr 11, 2006

To be exact, on April 7 the controversial magazine called Playboy was officially out-flesh-printed and ready to be consumed by people in Indonesia (or should I state adult men…) whereas in the House of Council, our representatives urge to debate on the LAW of pornography (well, what d’ya know that the magz has move one step ahead of theirs) – still until NOW!
Cant blame anyone to lose… it’s never a matter of losing… those Moslems Community demand justice to be upheld upon Pornography and Religion state of art… But, despite all mocking and attempt to sweep over the spread of the full-of-intrigue magz, none of us (nor those people out there) have anything to say on the high consumption over ol’time street newspaper and many other adults-popular magz… despite finding which is what and who is when on pornography why not – once again – we put our self in such a way that we could easily think SIMPLE STUPID!
So, PLAYBOY’s an issue, eh? a minister stating the word as things against norm, a leader of certain Moslem Community define the word as a person acting sexually-negative… weird to know that a minister (I cant mention his name to protect his dignity) even state that it’s a matter of product-name war, “Rather than using the same name resembles its original icon… since it’s published in Indonesia why cant they put it in another trademark…” well… well… what d’ya know that we also have someone who unfortunately let himself being mislead by his own politically-poor mind. It’s by all known that a product would likely to be known by its name… wherever and whenever… changing it would mean cutting down the path! How foolish would that be…
Remind me that it’s been years that we’ve been conquered by McD, KFC, CFC, Texas, and other abroad-branded brought in!
Mind you people, let’s not ban the magz… surely we have no right controlling other people’s consumption as it goes with people’s mind towards pornography but one thing for sure we can stop it from spreading by stepping little by little through history… incase you forgot, KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID!

Good Governance

Mar 6, 2006

The two words remind me of my college time… those memories are taken aback at me this morning, my dear father wrote about it in his newspaper (well, not practically his newspaper…his sense was a lot mightier than me counting on his experiences) as an editorial.
Talking about some letters made by Sudi Silalahi – Minister of The Secretariat of Ministry – to the Department of Foreign Affairs on renovating Indonesia’s embassy building in Seoul by PT Sun Hoo Engineering, my father linked them with a so called decent governmental ethics. Such ethics that bring about a notion of ‘Good Governance’ can be pretty demanding especially in this reformation era.

I called the incident bewildered! How come almost all complicated matters are always from the top? It’s not that I questioned all of the problems with prejudice… but if only I did, then I am only human (there’s nothing wrong to be human… seldom right and often mistaken). On the other hand, Sudi Silalahi is NOT ONLY human BUT ALSO a minister (a title considered as an honor?!) whose practice will be unfolded and criticized.

It was an editor letter in a well known newspaper… the incident even goes on until now – going through his colleagues and employees… it’s a poor thing to know that Mr. Numero Uno is probably involved? what a country??!! What’s the matter with these guys?? What’s the matter with this country? What’s the matter with us…

My dear father wrote about gud governance, tell me no more, but I never get it how we mix into gud governance… I say NONSENSE! People may have wandered to the moon but as for dignities… we kind of stay put in the years before centuries even begins. HAHAHA… poor me, but agreeing my father would be a lot easier than putting up pieces of those on our messy streets!

Ketika Dunia Hanya Kenal…

Mar 1, 2006

Ketika dunia hanya kenal Indonesia
sebatas kekayaan pulau dewata
sebatas semerbak bunga bangkai
populasi yang terus melonjak
korupsi yg terus menjamur dan berkembang

Ketika dunia hanya kenal Indonesia
sebelah mata…
sebatas goresan sejarah…

Ketika dunia hanya kenal Indonesia layaknya Pak Taufik Ruki nyatakan soal Bali dan korupsi, rasanya memang miris tp kenyataannya seperti itu! Pertanyaan yang seharusnya muncul adalah – lagi2 klise – tentang bagaimana menghentikan pertumbuhannya drpada memberantasnya setengah-setengah… di ruang klinik dan rumah sakit banyak kita temukan slogan ini “Lebih baik mencegah daripada mengobati”. Kita tokh, memang sedang sakit akibat korupsi! Meradang pula…

Dalam sebuah opini Ketua Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi ini mengungkapkan salah satu cara mengurangi praktek merugikan negara tersebut,

“Salah satu cara mengurangi praktek tersebut sekaligus mengeliminasi tindak korupsi adalah mengawasi secara efektif kepemilikan harta pejabat negara atau pegawai negeri. Perlu ada aturan khusus yang mampu mendeteksi pengalihan aset yang diduga diperoleh dari hasil korupsi pejabat negara dan pegawai negeri kepada kerabat atau keluarganya”.

Bahkan ditambahkan…

“Dalam kaitan itu, KPK mengusulkan adanya kewajiban bagi pejabat negara dan pegawai negeri untuk melaporkan dan menyatakan harta kekayaannya di bawah sumpah atau dikenal dengan sebutan statutory declaration. Proses dan mekanismenya saat ini sedang kami pelajari. Kelak yang melaporkan kekayaannya bukan pejabat negara itu saja, tapi juga melibatkan masyarakat luas”.

Format yang ditawarkan KPK ini MEMANG terkesan repetisi… bagaimana tidak, usulan Statutory Declaration (SD) mirip dengan Laporan Harta Kekayaan Pejabat Negara (LHKPN). Meski Ruki terkesan membantah kemiripan antara keduanya tp terlihat jelas bahwa pemerintah dalam hal ini pula KPK tidak sepenuhnya berupaya dalam memberantas peredaran korupsi. Bagaimana bs dua peraturan yg hampir sama fungsinya dilegitimasi u/ mengatur suatu masalah – memang peradangan ini sudah kronis tp alangkah baiknya jk di satu sisi kita dapat memberikan perhatian penuh pada bagaimana menjerat dan mengetahui sumber dari cronical disease. Seorang ECW Neloe bs terbebas, buronan negara byk yg masi berkeliaran di luar negeri, kasus katelebece Sudi, permainan infrastruktur keuangan dalam negeri, etc.

Jika SD berhasil diterapkan maka ancaman tumpang tindih atas peraturan sebelumnya tidaklah terhindarkan – terlepas dari lebih luasnya jangkauan SD (demikian argumen Ruki atas pertanyaan akan kemiripan SD dan LHKPN). Mentang-mentang jangkauannya lebih luas lantas SD akan berlaku LEBIH efektif drpada LHKPN? Bagaimana dgn evaluasi ketidakberhasilan LHKPN selama ini? Bagaimana dengan… bagaimana jika… bagaimana mungkin…

Becoming Role-model

Feb 17, 2006

A father gave his opinion on the caricatures-incident, which I wrote about in my last post, I am pretty thrilled that our discussion is actually running good ;)

I remembered one of his statements upon Ibnu Sina, a well-known scientist on medicine ever lived, but he underlined a point on Sina’s lost over the West. I cant really agree on his point… we’re never dipped from those western people… we’re actually beaten through situation, which makes us weak, gradually we kept the condition in our mind. I oppose to the situation set upon us! I totally oppose our labeling as mean culture and on the other side put to be dreadful! I oppose such thoughts ever blossom in our bare minds…

My dear father, how much I grant being free and responsible, I am only human… aren’t we all? Thus becoming role model is actually A MUST among us… but a question aroused might be ‘are we really ready reforming to be A GOOD role-model?’

Moslem deserves another chance, but that doesn’t mean it passes all obstacles over being ROLE… never mind others, they’re just JEALOUS! Do mind contagious thoughts deadly as HIV/AIDS and shockingly spread as bird flu ;p LUV you guys all, it’s a pure bliss of 4JJ SWT!

Underline THIS!

Feb 6, 2006

Daft and dumb
Keeping women
Under thumb”

Seeing those caricatures, I was like “DAMN! Who are you guys to judge?? I can accept you making fun of our attitudes… GO AHEAD! But don’t do anything to our believes… you’re talking about RIGHT, then give us OUR RIGHT… thus, you may spoil yours else where…”
I am also reading about Human Rights in Global Trend – Against West Domination, what a coincident, hei!? I read from the book written by Chandra Muzaffar, an ex-political prisoner in Malaysia. What a coincidence, but I never believe in one – whatsoever – till I’ve plunked to such scenes on and on… History is a repetition – once one ever said – well, I believe it’s since we’re all coming back from death to life in a linier.
Underline that, each and every one of us has THE RIGHT (but then again we cant just block away our obligations) and it may confront with one another’s… as in it’s NORMAL!

Dear others,
If you do not like Moslems surround you, don’t complain.
If you do not like the way we dress differently from yours, don’t complain.
If you do not like our unity of politics and religion, don’t complain.
If you feel that our defense over terrorism is faulty, don’t complain.
If you can’t see our efforts in making world peace, don’t complain.
If you can accept mocking over religions – which we can’t, don’t complain.
If you can’t tolerate our ways to uphold democracy and freedom of HUMAN RIGHTS, don’t complain.

PLEASE… we’re not asking for much – since we NEVER ask anything from you,
Anyways we’re living in the same roof!
So, stop complaining and respect us…


Feb 2, 2006

From a writing I read about an opinion upon bad people – eventually he understands that there’re no bad people… there are only misunderstandings, ignorance, unknown circumstances, and weakness. But I came to a point that we’re all those spots mentioned… then, we’re basically those BAD PEOPLE said ;p
Yet, that naming is like money – you put a currency in it then it becomes valuable! So does the notion ‘bad people’ exist in the community to actually relate couple of things beyond so that we could label them (put them into prices and stock them at wall marts). Human beings are a lot easier to be able to mention some labels than just pointing out towards the air – we’re whiners and hopefully never mistaken :(
Perhaps, kang Ono is right about “there’re no bad people…” but then again, probably he just wants to omit the label and come back to nature (where real human can feel almost ANYTHING that they want HELL with others). Nothing is WRONG about that… perhaps he’s just happy that legitimating on such point can make sense over the notion ‘bad people’.
Until this point of my life I always try not to confront a judgment over others… I assume that I fear my over ride judgment would go against me… I assume that I fear I am mistaken… I assume that I fear being right… I assume that I fear acknowledgement would end as soon as the label put to front! Perhaps I am a bad person, myself, I don’t deny that – everything is so beautiful to miss… it’s a bliss!
Bad people do exist… they live within us! Any reasoning mentioned to over do them is just blackmail… don’t worry, heaven wont be occupied since we still have long line over bad people to switch between the road alternate HELL-HEAVEN… hahaha, c’est la vie! On est ete par le temps… On mort bientot si le pulsation…
Hahaha… just because I am an editor right now, doesn’t mean I’ll love fixing… coz I true love it better as it is in the hand of God (and Him only) ;p


Jan 18, 2006

Salah satu buku yg baru ja ku beli… bener2 BAGUS! bener2 menghanyutkan… bener2 menunjukkan gaya bercinta yg laen, yg bebas dan memilukan…rasanya bener2 jd cwo tu (senengnya bs baca rasa cinta seorang cwo dlm sebuah buku – abs kebanyakan cerita cinta soal cwe)! Haruki Murakami is doin a great job ;p
Dengan latar jepang ol’time… pemberontakan, kebebasan jiwa anak muda, ke’gila’an yang wajar, kecintaan yg dalam n gelap membingungkan (as usual), Watanabe… Naoko, Kazuki mpe Midori…
Ku kembali diajarkan tuk merendah pada alam, menikmati pujian dan perasaan… mengecam kesalahan dan bersahabat dengan kesilapan (hahaha…) serta menjadi BAHAGIA.
Udara di luar mendung, BMG dah meramalkan hujan besar slama 2 hari ini jd tradisi banjir bakal datang tnpa DIRAGUKAN lg… kl masih di Tempo tentunya ku masih harus berkutat dengan hal2 manusiawi ni (hajat hidup org byk katanya), emang ku masih da waktu mpe akhir bulan ini & tu ku ambil tuk operasi gi2 ku yg kyk bom waktu – gtau kapan kambuhnya lg! Jd ngabisin sisa waktu dgn istirahat trus akhir bln ku kasi surat resign-nya.
Arrgghh… am blinded by the air, I cant remember when I became like this… overwhelmed by pain :( I feel like I wanna scream tp kata org2 I don’t deserve the frown (ku slalu terlihat bahagia n tersenyum) mpe gda SATU ORG pun yg tau sakit yg ku tahan… marah yg ku pendam…
Buku Norwegian Wood tu ngegambarin semua rasa takut, sakit, marah dan bingung… dan juga rasa cinta yg mendalam baik nafsu fisik maupun hati! Rasanya mo tenggelam selamanya dalam buku tu, melihat jepang saat itu… Qq bilang jepang skg lg musim dingin makanya salju dimana-mana (duh, ku SUKA BGT ma salju meski blom pernah liat) n rasanya beku biarpun di dlm ruangan. Hihihi… bulan depan byk org yg pulang ke jkt n bakalan nemuin ku sekedar jln bareng ;p dari mulai qq mpe putu!
Kl kamu suka baca buku dengan alur yg lambat n penuh makna… u need Norwegian Wood in ur shelf – incase u wanna be free… bukannya iklan neehh, hehehe… tp buku setebel 500hal tu mang sesuai ma resensinya. Ketika semua org berada dlm peraduannya, kejora akan tetap bersinar di balik selimut jiwanya nan hangat menatap langit… hatinya tetap dingin – membeku!


New page over a new chapter’s beginning… am hoping that in this year I could make up some left over from last year, I could rebuild my resolution (even the stupidest one, hihihi… ;p), I could stay being ME :)
I know that it’s still new year’s eve… but a new offer’s been granted for me – to be an EDITOR and move to another company (totally shocked and didn’t know what to say…)! I also know that am still too green… I only learn little from what I suppose to have (but then again learning period never stops)… I also know that I feel like am running away (which I cant figure out from WHAT)… I can see that am taking my chances (luv it ;p)… I can see that am GROWING and I feel GOOD about it (I remember someone cant stand seeing me to be a reporter and purpose me to be his wife – I wonder where he is..is he for real??)
I can feel that it’s a good offer for my CV and my experiences over the life… I WANT IT (that’s one thing I know for sure… I want the opportunity but that means I have to miss the other one – sad to say…)!
Anyways, a very happy new year to everyone… may God bless us always, amien! Luv u all my life’s companions… ;)