welcome to my home

I want all of you to feel just like home whenever you enter my page, so enjoy your 'feels like home' in here and free to drop comments

Puisi Untuk TUHAN Kala Tersesat

Jun 18, 2009

Laa illaaha illa Anta
Laa haula walaa quwwah
illa Anta

kau energi bagi setiap tenagaku
getar bagi setiap gerakku
darah bagi aortaku
pekik bagi setiap teriakku

adalah aku
nyawa dari nyawaku

(A Cat In My Eyes - FD)

The Astonishing Movie - HOME

you can watch it on Youtube now.. share it wide, and get to know your HOME!


Jun 16, 2009


AP Television is adhering to Iranian law that stipulates all media are banned from providing BBC Persian or VOA Persian any coverage from Iran, and under this law if any media violate this ban the Iranian authorities can immediately shut down that organisation in Tehran.

16 June 2009, 14.30A commuter bus travelling from Baghdad to a southern city caught fire Tuesday morning, killing 14 passengers on board, Iraqi officials said.

The blaze broke out near the city of Kut, 100 miles (160 kilometres) southeast of the capital.Police said the fire broke out in the engine at the rear, then wind caused the flames to spread throughout the rest of the bus.

The head of the regional health department, confirmed the death toll and said 30 other people were injured.Police officials said the driver survived and was being questioned.Though road accidents are not uncommon in Iraq, where the roads are poorly maintained, the bus fire accounted for the largest loss of life in recent days in a country where insurgent attacks are primarily responsible for large body counts.16 June 2009, 14.30

SOUNDBITE: (Farsi) General Esmaeil Ahmadi Moqaddam, Iran's National Chief of Police:
"Iran's police announce that everyone who wants to hold a rally, gathering or ceremony, should get the necessary permission, otherwise the police will take legal action. Anyway the police are determined to enforce the laws and will strongly quell (any unrest)."

SOUNDBITE: (Farsi) Gholam-Hossein Mohseni Ejei, Iran's Intelligence Minster:
"More than 25 to 26 of the provocative agents behind the recent unrest have been arrested besides those arrested by the police, and I am telling the rest of them through this (interview) that their actions are not secret from the Intelligence Minister. If from now on they take to streets during the night and cause problems for people and the country they will not only be arrested but their identities will be made public."

Iran's Intelligence Minister and Chief of Police warned on Tuesday that they would take action against any demonstrators who held rallies without permission or were responsible for any unrest.

In an interview with Iranian television, the Iranian chief of national police, General Esmaeil Ahmadi Moqaddam, said all those wishing to hold a gathering or a demonstration should seek permission or face "legal action."

Meanwhile, Iranian authorities are restricting all journalists working for foreign media from firsthand reporting on the streets.

The rules cover all journalists, including Iranians working for foreign media.

It blocks images and eyewitness descriptions of the protests and violence that have followed last week's disputed elections.

The order issued on Tuesday limits journalists for foreign media to work only from their offices, conducting telephone interviews and monitoring official sources such as state television and it came as foreign reporters in Iran to cover the elections began leaving the country. Iranian officials said they would not extend their visas.

Intelligence Minister Gholam-Hossein Mohseni Ejei said that more than 25 "provocative agents" involved in recent demonstrations had been detained, in addition to those arrested by police.

He warned those planning further demonstrations that their actions "are not secret" and they would be arrested if they were involved in further protests or unrest.

Rallies in support of both rival Iranian presidential candidates were scheduled to be held in Tehran's Vali Asr Square on Tuesday, where government workers were trying to prepare the venue.

The protest camp, which has been on the streets since Friday's election, has shown no signs of easing its demonstrations with backers of pro-reform candidate Mir Hossein Mousavi reportedly planning to gather in the square where supporters of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad have also called a rally to demand punishment of recent "rioters" in the country.

Iran's state radio reported on Tuesday that seven people were killed during clashes in Tehran the previous day - the first official confirmation of the deaths.

Many banks, bus stops and public buildings were also damaged and destroyed in the wave of protests and street battles.In a message posted on his Web site, Mousavi said he would not attend the rally on Tuesday and asked his supporters "not fall in the trap of street riots" and "exercise self-restraint."

Iran's Islamic leadership announced earlier on Tuesday that it is prepared to conduct a limited recount of the disputed election.

The offer by the Guardian Council for a targeted recount from specific voting sites where fraud has been alleged, is the first direct action by authorities to address claims of irregularities by opponents of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.13 June 2009, 05.30

SOUNDBITE: (Farsi) No name given, local resident:
"I thought at least 80-90 percent of Tehrani voters were in favour of Mousavi, but now that it has turned out like this I am really shocked, I am waiting to see how it ends. I can't really believe it."

SOUNDBITE (Farsi) Behrooz Sharifi, local resident:
"I was really surprised to hear this on TV and radio in the morning. In the past two months people of most cities we travelled in were in favour of Mousavi."

Tehran residents reacted to the news on Saturday that incumbent Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is far ahead in the polls with nearly 80 percent of all votes counted in the country's presidential elections.

Kamran Daneshjoo, a senior official with the Interior Ministry which oversees the voting, said that with 78 percent of all votes counted Ahmadinejad had 64.9 percent, whilst his pro-reform rival Mir Hossein Mousavi had 32.6 percent.

Earlier, Ahmadinejad reportedly topped with 66.1 percent, but his share has declined as more votes have been counted.

Meanwhile, Mousavi has countered that he was the clear victor and accused authorities of fraud.

The dispute sharply boosted tensions, raising the possibility of a standoff after an intense month long race between the combative president and his main challenger, who is backed by a growing youth-oriented movement.

A large turnout at the polls had boosted victory hopes for Mousavi supporters.

The ministry says about 75 percent of the 46.2 (m) million eligible electors cast their votes.

Even before the first vote counts were released, Mousavi held a news conference to declare himself "the definite winner" according to information received by his campaign offices around the country.

Mousavi appealed to Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, to intervene and stop what he said were violations of the law.

Khamenei holds ultimate political authority in Iran.

Mousavi said some polling stations were closed early with people still waiting to vote, that voters were prevented from casting ballots and that his observers were expelled from some counting sites.

Iran does not allow international election monitors. During the 2005 election, when Ahmadinejad won the presidency, there were some allegations of vote rigging from losers, but the claims were never investigated.

Before dawn on Saturday, Tehran's streets were deserted, but there were worries of protests by Mousavi supporters if he is declared the loser.

Some Tehran residents on Saturday expressed some surprise that the results were so overwhelmingly in Ahmadinejad's favour.

Mousavi, a 1980s-era prime minister, was counting on an outpouring from what's been called his "green tsunami" - the signature colour of his campaign and the new banner for reformists seeking wider liberties at home and a gentler face for Iran abroad.

He raised hopes that a new leadership might embrace President Barack Obama's invitation to open dialogue and take a less confrontation path with the West over Iran's nuclear programme.

The Interior Ministry's partial results overwhelmingly favouring Ahmadinejad came as a surprise.

The outcome will not sharply alter Iran's main policies or sway major decisions, such as possible talks with Washington or nuclear policies.

Those crucial issues rest with the ruling clerics headed by the unelected Khamenei.

But the election focused on what the office can influence: boosting Iran's sinking economy, pressing for greater media and political freedoms, and being Iran's main envoy to the world.

The race will go to a runoff on June 19 if no candidate receives a simple majority of more than 50 percent of the votes cast.

Two other candidates - conservative former Revolutionary Guard commander Mohsen Rezaei and moderate former parliament speaker Mahdi Karroubi - only got a fraction of the votes, according to the Interior Ministry's results. (source: APTN, June 2009)

Jalan-jalan 10 hari – Why Not (part3)

Jun 8, 2009

Akhirnya, Nyemplung Yuukks… Go Deeper into Thai!!

At last, nyemplung juga… that was my first time, but I considered myself quite gud :) the coral, the fish, they are beautiful… but that made me even missed Bunaken more and more…

Michail, our Canadian-born underwater photographer, was swimming among the snorkels to get their shoots. I noticed he got me twice. We chatted when I got on board, he’s very nice and he promised to look for me at the hotel, so as we wanna keep in touch. Well practically, he’s the only one in-charge on board whose language I am familiar with (we both speak Eng & French).

So then at almost noon, we’re taken back to Koh Nangyuan for lunch and another sightseeing, plus more snorkeling, hihihi… the beach is beautiful; this cup-liked island is almost as famous as Phuket.

Makan siang disajikan secara buffet di sebuah persinggahan terbuka berlantai kayu yang di kiri kanan-nya diapit oleh toko souvenir dan pos Lomprayah. Untung queue-nya nggak seribet cari tempat duduk di perahu biarpun ada banyak orang di sana yang aku yakin kelaparan (sangat) kayak aku .

After lunch, Ka Angga dan Bang Ali kembali melanjutkan ‘misi’ penjelajahannya… snorkeling laageee… aku dan Dian menyibukkan diri dengan foto-foto sana-sini.

Di sisi kanan-kiri pulau terdapat susunan batuan tinggi, aku terpaksa menahan diri untuk tidak memanjat karena Dian takut ketinggian, akhirnya kami memutuskan berfoto ria di sebuah cottage yang nangkring dengan indahnya di antara bebatuan…

Dari sana kami mensejajari bebatuan besar di pinggir pantai. Dan di sinilah insiden itu terjadi, inisiatif berfoto di atas bebatuan itu ternyata not so cool at all… ketika turun permukaan batuan yang licin oleh selimut lumut aku kehilangan keseimbangan dan terpleset ke dalam air….

AARRGGGHHH!! Telapak tangan dan kakiku berdarah karena menahan bobot tubuhku agar tidak tercebur seluruhnya ke dalam air. Dian segera membawaku ketepian.

Di bibir pantai dekat kami berada seorang perempuan bule juga sedang mengusap telapak kakinya yang berdarah. Aku menyapanya,

“… and where did u get that?” she mumbled about sharp, stranded rocks on the beach. She saw me also bleeding and offered me her tissue.

“Thanks. Whatta friendly beach, hu?” I tried to dig her smile.

She giggled, “You still have it! The bleeding doesn’t stop you… Nice,”

Then somebody who looked like her guide tour approached her and offered his help. “See ya!” she waived her hands to us before moving towards the sandy part of the beach.

I was still struggling to stop the bleeding. Then I thought, the heck, I am gonna push it!

Jalan terpincang-pincang ternyata nggak mudah… dasar narsis, tetap aja di suasana seperti itu kami foto-foto ;p
Setelah puas foto-foto di tiap sudut pulau, huehehehe… kami segera kembali ke arah persinggahan tadi sembari cari tempat berteduh dari sengatan matahari. It’s hot and really hot… you know-lah :)

Di salah satu bangku bangunan kayu yang di tata untuk tempat kami lunch buffet barusan, Bang Ali melambai-lambaikan tangannya memanggil. Aku, Dian dan Ka Angga menghampiri… tak lama kami sudah kembali dengan guyonan dubbing (me-lagak-kan orang-orang di sekitar kita untuk lucu-lucuan).

“… Haus ah, mo beli jus gitu…” Bang Ali tampak merogoh sakunya mencari dompet. Lalu ke dalam tas koper-nya yang setia menemani bahkan hingga trip ke pulau-pulau ini. “Ko nggak ada ya?” Ia bergumam sendiri.
Tak lama berselang, kami bertiga sudah repot dengan pencarian dompet Bang Ali yang tiba-tiba raib!

“… Udah bro! Palingan ketinggalan di hotel…” seru Ka Angga menengahi. Aku dan Dian mengamini.

(Suer aja, kawan-kawan… melihat kondisi kamar Ka Angga dan Bang Ali yang ditinggalkan ketika akan berangkat tour pagi ini was worst than any plane crash I have ever watched reported on television, hihihi… I was thinking how we’re goin to find the wallet in there…)

Niatan beli jus pun tertunda karena waktu kepulangan kami ke Koh Samui dengan jet boat Lomprayah Tour Service sudah tiba. Kami pun segera berbaris bak bebek (karena nggak rapi jali) untuk kemudian di-absen sebelum beriringan menuju ke jet boat bernuansa putih-biru yang sudah parkir dengan manisnya di dermaga kecil Koh Nangyuan.

Kami yang kelelahan yet very excited able to experience this trip were still spending, kali ini foto-foto underwater waktu snorkeling tadi, each costs us about 350 Bath.

Aku menyempatkan tidur sambil sms-an dengan you-know-who.

Sesampainya di darat, kami disambut dengan souvenir pajangan dengan (lagi-lagi) foto kami ketika hendak berangkat menaiki jet boat Lomprayah sebagai pemikatnya. Another spending for about 1000 Bath.

Akhirnya tiba juga di ‘hotel sweet hotel’, hihihi… sayang beribu sayang, dompet Bang Ali memang melayang, bahkan ada laporan penggunaan credit card ketika Ka Angga dan Bang Ali mencoba mengkonfirmasikan kehilangan ke layanan call banking kartu tersebut .

Selepas maghrib, kami mengadakan meeting dadakan di kamar (kamar Aku dan Dian lebih tepatnya), untuk berembug rencana kami selanjutnya.

We have decided that we can’t go to Phuket and spend another night there with Bang Ali’s wallet missing! We’re due to pay our hotel and motorbike rent yet we still have a long way to go to Bangkok – plus couple days round trip there… we thought it was the best option that we continue the trip to Bangkok and spend the rest of the trip there.

After dinner we booked a jetty + bus ride to Bangkok, in total they charged us 2800 Bath. We’re to go in the afternoon; a driver will pick us up from the hotel to the Nathon Pier.

Diselingi dentaman house-music aku berpikir keras, jawaban dari host di Bkk belum datang juga, I can’t rely on Rino’s apt, coz there are four of us coming… the last and least expected option would be staying at another hotel – this will reduce more green bucks in our pocket not that we have plenty. I forced myself to sleep… Dian di sebelahku sudah mengigau, entah mimpi apa… (pastinya bukan ketemu dompet Bang Ali kan, yan?)

Hari 5 (28/4) Pagi harinya, aku dan Dian segera mengepak barang dan mencari ganjalan untuk perut yang sudah meronta, penjelajahan di awal hari bertumpu di sebuah mini market ujung jalan, tidak banyak pilihan selain mie kemasan dan porridge – yang kesemuanya pasti ada flavor sapi kate-nya, jadi deh kudu hati-hati … sekembalinya dari mini market, Dian dan aku mencoba menikmati sarapan dan ketenangan hari terakhir di lantai 4 kamar kami di Moby Dick.

Sejauh ini masih belum terdengar kegaduhan dari kamar kedua bodyguard kami di lantai 3.

Waktu sudah menunjukkan jam10 ketika Bang Ali dan Ka Angga masuk ke kamar, kami bersama-sama menyodorkan sisa uang masing-masing untuk pembayaran hotel (2 nights) dan motorbike rent (2 days) yang totalnya 3550 Bath.

Selesai membereskan semua urusan, Dian and Ka Angga were busied looking for cheap flight to take us back from Bangkok to KL – since train ride is not an option anymore for we don’t have any money and can’t risk taking another trip to Penang…. Dibantu Hatta dari Jakarta untuk booking order and payment – all the process went well .

Kami semua berkutat dengan pikiran masing-masing. Bang Ali masih saja mangutuki bagaimana bisa kehilangan dompet dengan segala kartu berharga-nya itu. Ka Angga the poke face selalu mencoba menyegarkan suasana. Aku dan Dian hanya bisa planga-plongo mengikuti arus yang suka berubah-ubah tiap waktunya ini.

Kami dijemput dengan mini van ke Nathon Pier, di jalan ternyata driver kami mengambil seorang penumpang lagi… bule berkebangsaan Inggris! The guys know I am into bules – jadilah aku digoda abis-abisan untuk ‘beramah-tamah’ dengan si bule yang setelah berkenalan aku tahu bernama Tom (dia hendak berangkat ke Phuket terlebih dahulu sebelum ke Bangkok menemui pacarnya, yaiks!).

Panasnya siang bolong menusuk, setibanya di Nathon Pier kami masih harus menunggu 30 menit sebelum jetty tiba dan memberangkatkan kami ke Chumpon Pier, Surat Thani. Ruang tunggu yang tadinya sepi itu kedatangan lima orang pelancong… kami berempat dan bule Inggris itu.

Barang-barang kami tidak banyak berlipat ganda, hanya memang pengalaman kepanasan dan kehausan di perjalanan membuat aku dan Dian berinisiatif men-stock minum kemasan dan sedikit makanan.

Lapar? Sudah pasti… tapi cari makan di mana? Lagi-lagi kami harus menahan lapar hingga sampai ke tempat tujuan kami berikutnya, Surat Thani.

Di kejauhan, sebuah jetty merapat ke dermaga kecil Nathon Pier.

Ruang tunggu sudah hampir sesak dengan orang, untungnya ruang tunggu ini hanyalah sebuah bangunan terbuka dengan empat pilar layaknya mini terminal.

Ada seorang laki-laki berkebangsaan Thailand; satu keluarga dengan ayah bule dan ibu Thailand serta seorang anak perempuan yang lucu plus her male-nanny (yang kayaknya masih saudara si ibu); seorang bule (yang kayaknya kenalan si ayah); dua orang bule lagi dengan tas backpack and us (of course with that Brit bule guy).
The jetty was half-empty, even after we’re inside… perhaps the rest of the passengers were in the VIPs. Beberapa gals were seen sun bathing di sisi depan geladak kapal. Sementara di bagian belakang kapal penuh bertumpuk tas-tas para penumpangnya.

After couple shots inside the dock, kami memutuskan sightseeing di geladak, lumayan dapet pemandangan cihuiy ;p

Ternyata sodara-sodara, Chumpon Pier itu nggak sampai 2 jam dari Koh Samui, walaaahhh… hebohlah kami keluar dari Jetty menuju ke coach bus yang akan mengantar kami ke berbagai tujuan; dari mulai yang mau ke Bangkok, ke Phuket, dll… you name it-lah!