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Jul 11, 2008

This is a story about someone wanting to be a wonder woman. Reminds me that almost all my friends label me as a forceful individual.

Fortunately it keeps her the spirit of staying up on the ground even when the soil slants. Fortunately it keeps her moving forward despite her feet gaining mud all over forcing her to stuck. Unfortunately, I’m (not) a wonder woman – as much as I want it to be! She thought.

While sitting there, she was thinking about a research proposal – not even all wrapped up… she has PERISAI 2008 in her head – an annual event coming for a concern on HIV/AIDS issue… she was moving back and forth through past and near future accompanied by Time, she make friends with him now and then.

There she was 10 years ago, over-excited with a brand new shiny computer (which has been donated and now belonged to one who is in need most). Over the years, this wonder woman wanna-be decided to move her world to another dimension where little kids see as a stage of adultery. She was captivated and absorbed all that her senses could afford. Bending the rules is seductive.

She has been through pain – perforce to enjoy by now, she has anger… sadness coming like rain in monsoon… envy over others (which is considered normal coz she hasn’t been in a situation where she sticks out a knife over one’s throat, although somehow she wants to experience the sensation, hihi…), she already has things she deserves – should be grateful to that… and she has (also) happiness.

Though, she doesn’t (yet) have some things she pursues – well, others undergo the same line of life… she is still running away from her shadow… coz she thinks shadow for wonder woman is a wicked mimicker!

A dear friend Time is, whispering that she should be careful of what she wishes for… of becoming a wonder woman! She laughed, what’s wrong with being a wonder woman? He said you’re too strong to even survive the bliss if you’re wonder woman… surviving is not about being strong but it’s about losing yourself to gain consciousness.

Wonder woman beats her enemy and stays between time gaining none but victoriously-ail sense coming from her defeated opponent.

Well, I haven’t decided on becoming a wonder woman just yet, but I want to be a wonder woman, she firmed. Have it your way then, Time said… “It’s no exaggeration to say the undecideds could go one way or another,” he quoted George W. Bush.