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Should There Be a Limit

Mar 13, 2009

I wonder,
should there be a limit where one can stand above his/her feet and is able to address his/her thought? should there be a limit to which i, you, him or her, comprehend to others' deeds? should there be a limit to one's anger or disarray? Should there be a limit for one to sacrifice his/her feeling? Should there be a limit at all..

I am still wondering,
beneath the unanswered questions, beyond words of tiring souls to talk to though it's close to heart, here i bequeath my stories.. where as in the undead never gain peace, I, whose importance is in quest for none ever return, put myself cornered and set back to leave.

I was seeing reflection in the mirror when I saw one is staring back at me. It was firm, it was hurt, it was silence.. I am used to it but never before it's somewhat awhile too long.. I was seeing reflection in the mirror when it stared back at me daringly.

It was 'It' who cherishes gudship and breaks apart. It was 'It' who told 'Itself' to back-off and leave things unattended coz as simple as they may seem but deeper wound they cause.. I was seeing the reflection, slowly searching for recognition.

The bluish black.
The winding-airily hair.
The dark dark shadowy eyes.
The gazing figure.
The silver dolphin.
The crisp sinister smile.

I look thru the mirror and found the reflection staring back at me. And it was me. Only me. Alone


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