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Jul 17, 2006

This writing is made for us to realize how important to live a life as we should. Reaching for the 20th century, we have been startled by the rapid growth of science and technology – humanbeings are no longer suffering from the lack of power – while in the 21st century we have to face the reality bites that human is one hell of a weapon to others – being exploited for the advantages of others. It’s time for us to see the world from different sight, all these times we’ve been watching almost the same side of the world each and every day – a bit change won’t hurt us, right?
Humanbeing tend to grow consumptive, individualistic, and selfish in their live styles. There is no doubt that we can actually see two portraits of lives among us – one with a bright smile having loads of money to spend while in the other side we can see pale faces because of starvation and it seems to be helpless – do you see them? I bet you do! Then, the question is that what have you done to fix it?
It is no longer about politics, economy, or law… but, it’s about living life as we should. It’s been times that we didn’t realize the real meaning of life – do you actually know the meaning of “Human as individual and social creature” as said by Aristotle? Perhaps all of you would say that the sentence means nothing more than human can be both individual and social at the same time and there’s no clue for us to live the world alone – we need one another! Well, you guys are half-right…while leaving the true sense of the sentence behind. The sentence actually mean a lot more politics that you thought – but, that’s it – you forgot that we – humanbeing – actually live that way already…for years but we lost the real sense of the sentence.
Social inequality is one word to describe it. Are those people with watering money happy with their lives? Not at the bottom line! Humanbeing are basically can not be satisfied by food, money and power! Living a peaceful live is when you can picture peace surround you. It’s true that not all of us can enjoy the shinning world, it would all be given back to The Almighty – God.
What can we picture lately? Bombing, political war, and uncertainty of peace – where is humanity? I really need you guys to answer it. It is no longer about you or me but us! We need to work things out together to increase social welfare and put down poverty also social salvation.
We should think of a system to overcome social inequality, protect economical importance, handle a fair distribution of wealth, etc. That way we can have advantages of the development of science and technology within human civilization.
Do you see the world now? In different sight, the world is a fragile place to live in; the problem is that can we save it up so that it won’t tear us out to pieces? I leave that to you to answer it.
This writing is only one example of seeing the world at different sight, you can always have your own different sight to hold up but nevertheless see what you can see as long as you’re being given time to see and change what you don’t like – believe me, you could?!


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