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Feb 2, 2006

From a writing I read about an opinion upon bad people – eventually he understands that there’re no bad people… there are only misunderstandings, ignorance, unknown circumstances, and weakness. But I came to a point that we’re all those spots mentioned… then, we’re basically those BAD PEOPLE said ;p
Yet, that naming is like money – you put a currency in it then it becomes valuable! So does the notion ‘bad people’ exist in the community to actually relate couple of things beyond so that we could label them (put them into prices and stock them at wall marts). Human beings are a lot easier to be able to mention some labels than just pointing out towards the air – we’re whiners and hopefully never mistaken :(
Perhaps, kang Ono is right about “there’re no bad people…” but then again, probably he just wants to omit the label and come back to nature (where real human can feel almost ANYTHING that they want HELL with others). Nothing is WRONG about that… perhaps he’s just happy that legitimating on such point can make sense over the notion ‘bad people’.
Until this point of my life I always try not to confront a judgment over others… I assume that I fear my over ride judgment would go against me… I assume that I fear I am mistaken… I assume that I fear being right… I assume that I fear acknowledgement would end as soon as the label put to front! Perhaps I am a bad person, myself, I don’t deny that – everything is so beautiful to miss… it’s a bliss!
Bad people do exist… they live within us! Any reasoning mentioned to over do them is just blackmail… don’t worry, heaven wont be occupied since we still have long line over bad people to switch between the road alternate HELL-HEAVEN… hahaha, c’est la vie! On est ete par le temps… On mort bientot si le pulsation…
Hahaha… just because I am an editor right now, doesn’t mean I’ll love fixing… coz I true love it better as it is in the hand of God (and Him only) ;p


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